60p vs 60i video quality
Sorry for asking a very common question but every thread I've searched tends to go down a tangent that doesn't quite answer my question.
I have a Panasonic camcorder that records in 1080 60p or 60i.
My question is video quality. Even though all my output is going to be turned into 30 fps for Apple TV viewing or 30i for YouTube distribution, is my video quality going to be higher, shooting in 60p with a data rate of 34 MB/s vs 60i at 17 MB/s whether the subject is fast moving or not. My thought is to shoot in 60p at the higher data rate even though it will be converted to 30 fps and possible even interlaced for youtube, due to I am dealing with full frames, not interlaced frames and at a higher data rate. Is my logic correct?
I know the file size is doubled shooting in 60p vs 60i, but if the video quality is higher, then I am willing to make that sacrafic.
I guess a follow up question would be, how does FCP convert 60p video into 30i video.
Thanks for your help.