To newrulez
First let me say thank you, thank you and a big hug too.
As a woman who doesn't know the difference between applications, terminals, system preffrence etc. (you get the picture) I barely know how to use a computer.
I only use my computer (a macbook pro) to read my emails and read the news and last but not least, I print a lot of coupons.
you see two of the places I print coupons use java. So tonight when I went to print, I kept getting a message saying something about a no java plug in.
being inexperience i had no problems the last 2 yrs. printing coupons, and I knew I had Java. So being ineperienced I must have downloaded Jave several times tonight with no luck. Then I read an article about Java and some security issue. Ok then I won't be printing coupons.
So I decided to google my problem and it brought me here, I read each and every answer, and most of them were too technical for me, but then came to your solution, about downloading apple web developers version. so I signed up. I'm now officially a web developer. heaven help us all. lol
Of course there was all that tech stuff that went with it that you posted on here. which i didn't know if I had to change jave 7 to jave 6. according to the specs you gave. I wouldn't even know were to start to do this.
Instead I signed up on the web developers page, downloaded their version of Java, and wellah it worked!
I didn't have to go in a change a thing. It said I succesufully download java.
I don't know how or why it's working, but am grateful. I tested it out and printed a few coupons. I even restarted my computer and it worked fine.
So without getting to techical on me, and reading about everyone else can't download java and get it to work. Why is this working?
Once again a big thank you. anne 🙂
sorry about the double post.