PodPress "difficulty downloading episodes?"
Hello everyone,
I appologies if this has been asked before but I have searched around and can't seem to narrow down the true issue at hand.
As of last week I've started a small podcast for my company for the convenience of agents to listen in on ongoing education training.
I am getting the "We had difficulty downloading episodes from your feed," error upon submission. I am using PodPress and can't seem to figure out why.
Looking at the feed: http://live.expcloud.com/feed/podcast
When I check on http://validator.w3.org/feed/ it's validated but has email suggestions and iframe issue (I will resolve that by using custom values in descriptions, right now it's pulling in excerpt from the post which contains a Youtube video sorry.)
Can anyone look at my feed and tell me what I've done wrong? Are the mp3's to large? Each class ranges between 30-60 minutes. I am using mp3 format.