Joe ...
Have you run for an extended period of time while booted in "Safe" mode
- If so were you ever able to replicate the buzzing noise?
I haven't tried this yet, but read on ...
Have you run a surface scan of the HDD?
- If so did you or did you not notice the buzzing sound from the HDD?
I'm assuming that the Genius did so - he told me my disks were OK.
Have you run a "stress" test of the HDD?
- If so did you notice the buzzing sound?
- If you did notice the buzzing sound, during what "stress" test function did the sound occur?
Again, assuming Genius did this during my visit. Disks pronounced OK.
If you have an external HDD available...
- Clone your system to the external HDD
- Boot from the external HDD
- While you are booted from the external HDD your internal Fusion drive will be inactive unless you intentionally copy a file directly to or from the internal drive. If the sound is heard during this mode of operation then it is NOT coming from the internal Fusion crive. In that case the most likely cause of the noise would be a cooling fan -- perhaps occuring only at a specific fan speed. Insturmenting the fans and monitoring their RPM when the sound occurs could help narrow that down.
I booted from my SuperDuper clone drive. The noise was still present. I then rebooted from my internal disks. I downloaded Macs Fan Control. This showed one fan, labelled as Exhaust. It ran at around 1790 rpm and showed no hike or other obvious difference at the same time as the noise.
If you have an external HDD and the sound occurs when you are booted from that drive...
- You can try downloading and reinstalling OS X 10.8.3 to the external drive. CAUTION: I have had problems getting my Late 2012 Mac mini to boot from a downloaded copy of OS X 10.8.3 because the download version is not compatible with the latest Mac minis. For that reason I cannot in good conscience suggest reinstalling OS X on your Fusion drive unless and until you can demonstrate the ability to download and install a bootable copy of 10.8.x.
So should this be my next move? I have my copy of Mountain Lion sitting in the "Purchases" tab on Software Update.