New 27" iMac won't start up.
When I power up, the gray screen comes up and icon flickers bewteen itself and a Ø symbol. What's going on? Is my computer F_CKED?
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
When I power up, the gray screen comes up and icon flickers bewteen itself and a Ø symbol. What's going on? Is my computer F_CKED?
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
It sounds like it can't recognize the harddrive. Try rebooting holding the shift key for a safe mode startup.
unfortunately, that didn't do the trick. I didn't mention that I installed RAM I purchased from RamJet before starting up for the 1st time. I maxed it out with 32 GB. And yes, It's the correct RAM. I thought that was possibly the issue, so I took out that RAM and reinstalled the RAM that came with my iMac. I got the same results, a a gray screen with an apple logo that flickers between itself and a Ø symbol. (SEE ATTACHED IMAGE) It stops flickering after about 30 seconds. and then just shows the apple icon/logo.
I considered trying to migrate using a FireWire to Thunderbolt adapter I purchased but I believe the target Mac (my new iMac) must be able to start up and be on the Migration Assistant window to do so.
I also tried holding down the Option (Alt) key. I got a screen with 2 HD images and an otion to choose a wireless network. I chose my network and picked the HD that wasn't selected. And got the same flickering apple logo. By the way, this iMac has a 3TB Fusion Drive. I'm just trying to give you as much info as possible. I'd love to get this resolved tonight if possible, but it's looking like a bad drive??? Thanks again for responding!
New 27" iMac won't start up.