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iPod won't sync with iTunes

I recently moved all of my music onto an external hard drive, but now when I plug in my iPod, it won't sync with iTunes. iTunes recognizes my iPod just fine, but no matter how many times I click the Sync button, they don't sync up. I've bought new songs in iTunes and they're not syncing to my iPod, made new playlists, etc. How can I get both of them to match up again? Why isn't it syncing? Can anyone help me out?

(I'm using iTunes 11 on Windows Vista, with an old style iPod)

iPod classic, Windows Vista

Posted on Mar 20, 2013 6:27 PM

49 replies
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Jan 17, 2016 4:57 PM in response to Mark Harrigan

Are you able to play your songs in iTunes on the computer?

If you used a file manager to move the song files (outside of iTunes), iTunes may have lost track of where your song files are located. The iTunes Media folder location setting in iTunes preferences Advanced pane is for new media going forward. iTunes expects previously existing media to be where they were previously located, unless you let iTunes move the media files to a new location.

For future reference, this is how to tell iTunes to move its media files to a new location. This is useful, if you want to put your iTunes Media folder on an external drive (or a secondary internal drive). Create an empty iTunes Media folder at the desired new location. In iTunes preferences Advanced pane, point the iTunes Media folder location to that new iTunes Media folder. The TWO checkboxes for Keep iTunes Media folder organized AND Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library should checked. Then, from the menu bar, File -> Library -> Organized Library -> Consolidate Files (checkmark box). This command tells iTunes to copy all of its media files, from wherever they are currently located, and organize them into the designated iTunes Media folder. Because iTunes copied the media files to new location, iTunes does not lose track of where the media files are located.

Let me know if you can (or cannot) play your songs in iTunes. If iTunes has lost track of location for its song files, you may see an exclamation point symbol next to song in iTunes. If iTunes cannot find its song files, iTunes cannot sync your iPod with those songs, and iTunes will remove those songs from the iPod (if you are using automatic syncing).


Mar 20, 2013 7:51 PM in response to heykelley

If you did the move of your music to an external drive using iTunes, through the command in

iTunes menu bar -> File -> Library

iTunes keeps track of the new location for all of you song (and other media) files. As long as you can play those songs in iTunes, the move to the external drive should not be causing a syncing problem with the iPod.

Did you set up the Music tab for the iPod? Select the iPod in iTunes. Near the top of the iTunes window, there is a row of "tabs" (they look like buttons in the latest iTunes) that starts with Summary. Click on Music there. This tab is where you tell iTumes how to sync your music library to the iPod. Make sure Sync Music is checked. Below that, if your entire music library will fit on the iPod, you can select Entire music library; any change you make to your music library will sync to the iPod. Otherwise, you need to make a selection of songs based on Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres.

If you added new songs to the library, or created new playlists, they need to be included in the selection on the Music tab. If they are not part of the selection, they will not sync to the iPod no matter how many times you click the Sync button.

Once you have set up the Music tab, click Apply to sync the selection to the iPod. Going forward, any changes made in the music library that are related to the selection on the Music tab will sync automatically to the iPod, when it is connected or when you click the Sync button.


Aug 12, 2013 10:37 AM in response to shkubo

You probably need to set up automatic syncing, to tell iTunes what to sync to the shuffle. Otherwise, clicking on the Sync button syncs nothing. How to do so is provided in the first reply to the original topic creator (the one with green checkmark), starting with Did you set up the Music tab for the iPod?

This document also provides information about syncing music to



Mar 5, 2014 1:52 PM in response to RaeRae87

That sounds like a Windows-related error (assuming your OS is Windows), related to your user account and what it is allowed to do on the computer. Take a look at this discussion thread and the advice with the yellow star next to it (the second one).



Jul 30, 2014 6:13 PM in response to kkinhi

I don't think this problem would be caused by iTunes. If it's something related to iTunes, it would likely be caused by the iTunes library. You can do a test with another iTunes library on the same computer, by creating a new user account (on your computer). I don't know if you use a Mac or Windows PC, but you can do so on either system, and when you log in to the new user account and run iTunes, you are using a different (new and empty) iTunes library. You can add a limited (but large enough) number of songs to that iTunes library, and try syncing your iPod as a test. If it works properly in the new user account, there is no problem with the iPod. If the problem recurs, the cause is likely to be a problem on the iPod. That will help narrow down the actual cause, instead of trying random things, especially something that's a lot of work, like transferring everything to a different computer. If the problem is on the iPod, the same problem will occur.

I don't know what model iPod you have, but if it's an iPod that uses a hard drive for storage, the cause may be related to the hard drive. Hard drives can become faulty in a way that does not allow reliable storage of data, although it can go through the Restore process without error. What may be why it prompts you to do a Restore, when you connect it.

One thing you can try is to erase (reformat) the iPod using the system, not iTunes. If you use a Mac, you would do so using Disk Utility. I don't recall the specific command or tool in Windows, but it's the same thing you do to erase (reformat) an external hard drive or USB flash drive. iTunes should NOT be running when you do this. If there's an option to do a "quick format," select to do a FULL format. If the iPod's disk is not mounted by the system when connected, use the procedure to set it to Disk Mode first

Putting iPod into Disk Mode

If there is a problem with the iPod's hard drive, it's possible for it to fail the erase (reformat) procedure. If it succeeds, run iTunes and do another Restore. It's VERY important that you do a Restore, because after being erased outside of iTunes, it no longer has its onboard software and setup. After the Restore, try syncing it again.


Aug 5, 2014 3:16 AM in response to Kenichi Watanabe

I have a peculiar problem with my iPod Nano 7th Generation (16GB). (Software Version 1.0.3). I am using iTunes on a Lenovo T440 Laptop with Windows 7 32 Bit O/S. The syncing process behaves erratically.

When I synch small playlists, fewer songs the sync works perfectly. When I select larger playlists, while iTunes reports that syncing is complete, when I eject and take out the Nano, it says No Music. All Music content (including those available previously on the device) disappear. When I reconnect the iPod, iTunes says <<it cannot read from the iPod and that I need to restore>>. I have done several restores. I have even completely uninstalled iTunes and all support software (following http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1923) and reinstalled. The same issue continues.

After iTunes reports the problem (of not being able to recognize / read from iPod), when I look at the iPod using Windows Explorer, all the standard iPod_Control Folder / Files including the Music files are all there. Only iTunes is not able to read it due to corruption of some kind. It beats me.

On the same Windows PC / same version of iTunes, the rest of my devices (iPad-1, iPad-Mini 2nd G, iPod Touch 4th Gen and an iPod Classic) are syncing properly. Only Nano 7th Gen is having this issue. I tried different cables, direct connect / connecting through a hub etc., Nothing works :-( .

Finally I tried syncing it with another Windows PC (of my friend) and it syncs without any issue, any size. Tried several times and it works. iTunes versions are same. Windows USB support driver is also the same. Problem appears specific to my Lenovo T440 PC. Can you please offer some advice ? Thanks !


Jan 6, 2015 9:30 AM in response to chrissie yeo

If the iPod does not appear in iTunes when you connect it, you cannot change any of its sync-related settings. If you can see and select the iPod in iTunes, the "manually manage" setting is on the iPod's Summary settings screen (in iTunes); what you see after selecting an iPod in iTunes. Since you only get the iPod's home screen or the battery status symbol (on the iPod) when you connect it to the Mac's USB, it's like you are connecting it to a USB power (wall) adapter. It's acting like the connection is only for power. There is no data connection.

If you have not already, be sure to try doing a Reset on the iPod (to restart it)

Reset your iPod - Apple Support

Then connect it to Mac running iTunes. If that does not help, try putting iPod into Disk Mode

Putting iPod into Disk Mode - Apple Support

Then connect it to Mac running iTunes. iTunes may prompt you to do a Restore, which would be good news since the iPod is now being recognized. Note: Doing a Restore erases the iPod, and you'll need to re-sync it from your Mac's iTunes library.

If those steps do not help, you can reply back for some other things to try...


Jan 10, 2015 12:00 AM in response to Maxie1111

but this topic is the only one I've found that actually gives a working solution to the not syncing issue.

As an FYI for future questions, you can just create a new topic. That's how this forum is designed to operate, when asking a question. But it's good to read existing topics... 🙂

All of the music I currently have on my iPod is in my library now, so is it only syncing purchased songs?

If all of your songs are in your iTunes library on your computer, you can try a few things including a Restore. And NO, purchased songs are treated the same as other songs for iPod syncing, if you have authorized your computer for the Apple ID used to purchase. If the computer is not authorized for the Apple ID used for purchase, old songs purchased from the iTunes Store may not sync due to DRM (copy protection), and you'll get an error message. More recent iTunes Store song purchases no longer use technical DRM. And there should not be a case where ONLY purchased songs sync using automatic syncing, if you are setting it to sync the entire music library.

You recommended checking off the Sync Music option under the Music tab when looking at the iPod.

That's not just a "recommendation." That is the one and only way to set up automatic syncing. And with iTunes 12, it is no longer accessed on the "Music tab." In iTunes 12, select the iPod in iTunes. You initially see the iPod's Summary settings screen. In the sidebar (along left side of window), click Music under Settings. To the right, you see the iPod's Music settings screen (what was previously the "tab"), where the Sync Music checkbox and other music sync settings are located. Assuming you are using the latest iTunes version, is that where you are looking?

If you check the box for Sync Music, select the option to sync Entire music library, and Apply the change, you should get your entire music library on the iPod (assuming your iPod has the capacity to hold your entire music library). NOTE: Be sure to look at the checkbox on the iPod's Summary settings screen for Sync only checked items. If that box is checked, and you have songs that are unchecked in your music library, only the checked songs will sync.

Pick one of the songs that does not currently sync. Make sure you can play it in iTunes. Do this with the iPod NOT connected, in case iTunes is somehow accessing the song's file from the iPod. If you can play it in iTunes, iTunes knows were the song's file is located on your computer's drive. If iTunes has lost track of the locations of some song files, then those songs will not play in iTunes, and iTunes will not sync them to the iPod.

Otherwise, since you have ALL of your songs in your iTunes library, you may want to do a Restore on the iPod using iTunes.

Restoring iPod to factory settings - Apple Support

This erases the iPod, reinstalls its software, and sets it to default setting. You can then sync the empty iPod from your iTunes library, with the Sync Music / Entire music library setup. All songs should sync.


Jan 19, 2016 2:00 AM in response to Mark Harrigan

You should press and hold down shift as you launch iTunes, keep holding until prompted to choose or create a library, then use the choose option to open the file M:\markh\Music\iTunes\iTunes Library.itl.

See also Make a split library portable. The media folder would normally be called iTunes Media these days. You may wish to convert your library to the current shape.



Jan 27, 2016 1:33 AM in response to Mark Harrigan

Try Empty/corrupt iTunes library after upgrade/crash.

If cannot find a valid .itl file that lists your media and playlists then I'd suggest you rebuild the library in the standard shape, with the iTunes folder at M:\iTunes and move all of the media inside M:\iTunes\ITunes Media before adding to the library.

If you find a valid .itl but the library is full of exclamation marks indicating broken links I can walk you through correcting that problem.



Jul 4, 2013 5:14 AM in response to Kenichi Watanabe

Hi Kenichi,

I'm having this same problem! However when I click on 'Sync Music,' the bar on the bottom showing the amount of data on my iPod shrinks right down from 818 songs to 381. I can either choose to Revert or Apply, and I don't know what to do. I think the loss of 500-odd songs would be music I've uploaded from CD's in the past.

So I don't know that if I click Apply, and the CD music will be lost, I can re-upload the CD music and it will sync? Will it let me do that? If I do all of this, will it then sync new downloads from the Store?

Any help you can give me would be appreciated 🙂 Thank you!



Jul 4, 2013 11:43 AM in response to FrancescaO

If the iPod was NOT previously set to do automatic syncing (the Sync Music checkbox was NOT checked before), you were probably loading songs on the iPod manually, by dragging and dropping songs onto the iPod in iTunes. When you use the manual method, once you put a song on the iPod, you can delete that song from your iTunes library. Therefore, it is possible that by setting up automatic syncing now, you will lose songs. Any song that is currently on the iPod that is NOT currently in your iTunes library will be lost.

If those lost songs are from music CDs, you can re-rip those CDs to get those lost songs back into your iTunes library. Then, you can set up the Music tab to include those songs in your automatic syncing.

As I described in the reply to the original poster, you use the iPod's Music tab to make your selection of songs that you want iTunes to automatically sync to the iPod. It does not matter if the songs you select are from music CDs or from the iTunes Store, or from any other source (or any combination).

One convenient way to set this up is to create a new regular playlist in iTunes. Call it something like "iPod Songs." From your iTunes music library, add ALL the songs you want on the iPod to that playlist. Then, go the iPod's Music tab in iTunes, and under Playlists, find and checkmark that new playlist.

When you click Apply, all songs on that playlist sync to the iPod, replacing its current content. Going forward, when you want to change the music on the iPod, just update that playlist by adding or removing songs. The next time iTunes syncs the iPod, those same changes are made automatically to the iPod.


Aug 12, 2013 10:11 AM in response to Kenichi Watanabe

I'm having problem syncing my ipod which I just bought. I've followed the instructions, one was to connect it to the computer after I have opened itunes which I did. It said it would automatically syn but it didn't. nI clicked on devices and I clicked on sync and I did and it says it has synced but when I check it hasn't. What's happening?



Aug 12, 2013 4:50 PM in response to Kenichi Watanabe

Just encountered this issue today it's frustrating. My ipod used to auto sync when connected. Today when I puchased tunes they did not sync even though the box on left is checked. I did the click on device, click on music button and that box that says Sync music in upper left corner . When I did this message box aked if I was "sure I wanted to delete" the playlist from ipod and continue sync....I have never seen this before and don't think I want to delete music. Also tried the sync button down by the space used bar too and nothing happened. Your previous answer was very clear to someone like me who not tech savvy....but that delete message me threw off.


Aug 12, 2013 7:56 PM in response to chrissiejo

If that Sync Music checkbox was not already checked (on the iPod's Music screen), your iPod somehow got set to the Manually manage music setting. You can check on the iPod's Summary screen in iTunes, to see if that Manually manage music checkbox is checked. If it is, iTunes is not going to add new songs to the iPod automatically.

(It may have happened if your iPod was previously set to sync the entire iTunes music library, and recently, the size of your iTunes music library exceeded the storage capacity of your iPod.)

If every song on the iPod right now is in your iTunes library, you don't have to worry about that warning. That is a general warning, indended for people who have been using the manual method to load the iPod, and may have songs on the iPod that are not in their current iTunes library. iTunes may remove songs from the iPod (when setting up automatic syncing), but they are not deleted from your iTunes library. So if all songs on the iPod are in your iTunes library, iTunes will just sync them back to the iPod (based on how you set up the iPod's Music screen).


iPod won't sync with iTunes

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