Ok, I have repeatedly been able to open iTunes files and see all my stuff. Strangely enough, even the iTunes Library Corrupt files work. Also, fter renaming the corrupt ones, my computer renamed it again, and the corrupt one is named iTunes Library.
However, I have so many versions on my computer, I wonder if iTunes is having a hard time deciding which one to open, so it opens the wrong one. ONly if I hold shift down and choose, can I get the right one.
Now, I also have the wrong one backed up on my external drive.
I have two on my desktop which work, one is a folder named, "Hopefully iTunes Backup" (which opens to a file with a musical note on it, named iTunes Library 13-02-10, and the other folder on my desktop is named simply, iTunes Library (2)
When I go into my Music folder, there are layers upon layers of previous iTunes Libraries.
Today, every library I click on opens to the one I want, with all my songs and everything.
Even the backup on my external drive works.
Can I safely delete all the libraries but one? which one should I save? What exactly are the qualities, extensions, whatever, that I should look for and/or name it so iTunes will only find it? How do I prevent the one on my external drive from being changed when I plug it into my computer?
I am really nervous about plugging my iPod in, too, because it seems to muck up everything. And it seems like if things get mucked up on my computer, theyu get mucked up on my external drive, too.
any help will be great.