what do the weather symbols mean
What do the white dots and flat clouds mean? What does each weather symbol mean?
iPod touch, iOS 5.1.1
What do the white dots and flat clouds mean? What does each weather symbol mean?
iPod touch, iOS 5.1.1
The symbols are generated by Yahoo weather.
Basically they are
Sun: Sun
Clouds: Clouds
Flat Clouds: Flat Clouds
White Dots: wear a coat
Droplets: bring an umbrella
For example:
Right now it's mostly sunny and cold. Friday, it will be sunny and less cold. Saturday, it will be rainy and snowy. Sunday will be warmer but still too cold. Monday: Not sure but it looks nasty. Tuesday: like Saturday only colder.
Seriously, the icons are dumb and the forecasts are usually wrong anyway.
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what do the weather symbols mean