Problems Using Rocket Mail Apple Mail?
Hi, recently, had to cancel + their mail. Opted for (part of Yahoo) & prefer to use AppleMail, but now getting almost constant pop-up asking for my password, which, I keep entering. However, it does not seem to "hold" for more than a few minutes, if not seconds.
Repaired Permissions. Restarted w/Safe Boot, which usually shakes thing out. Restarted, again.
Ran ONYX. Restarted, again.
Intially, I used the automatic set-up provided by Apple Mail.
Using Snow 10.6.8. iMac intel i3 3.Ghz w/12G Ram HD has 875GB space on 1T
Why does this keep happening?
Thanks, for your help.
Message was edited by: blueCdreams
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), HK Sound Sticks + iSub