How to fix broken fan power connector?
I'm running a 2008 black macbook core 2 duo pernyn model. I just went through a macbook fan replacement guide on and successfully replaced my fan with one hitch: I broke the fan power cable connector by accidentally prying off the connector from the board instead of just disconnecting the power cable; the guide wasn't specific as to what i was ripping off unfortunately. I'm not sure what the exact name of the module is (see, I'm calling it a module) that I broke, but its in step 14 of the iFixit guide here in the alternate picture labeled pernyn model:
They call it a black fan connector. I know that my fan is not properly connected because smc Fan Control is telling me my fan has zero rpms. Luckily my MB isn't running high heat but it's averaging about 140-160F and I know that's not continually a great situation.
My question is how to fix it. I ripped off the soldering components from the board but the connector is still intact. can I use some type of adhesive without disrupting the connection? Will thermal paste work? Or am i screwed and need to take it to a professional.
macbook (black, 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)