Are these temperatures normal?
Hi community,
My 27" imac mid 2010 runs very hot and I think thats the reason why graphic performance gets down.
After watching a Full HD youtube Video, istatMenus shows following values:
CPU heatsink 73 C
GPU Die 61 C
GPU heatsink 59 C
Hard Drive Proximity 7 C
Incoming Air 47 C
LCD Proximity 71 C
MLB Proximity 60 C
Optical Drive Proximity 54 C
Power Board Proximity 88 C
Power Primary heatsink 89 C
Power Secondary heatsink 101 C
Skin 54 C
Samsung HD 59 C
CPU Fan 4200 rpm
Hard Drive 2215 rpm
Optical Drive 1314 rpm
I still did a smc and pram reset.
I noticed, that when I wake up the imac from sleeping, and start playing League of Legends, I get constant 60 fps. After a short time, frames drop to 15-20 fps. Do you think I should contact Apple care?
I also noticed some ugly clouds on the right side of the display, that are annoying especially on grey backgrounds when editing Photos :/
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)