Logitech M305 Mouse
I have a brand new 27" iMac running Mountain Lion. My Logitech M305 mouse movements are somewhat erratic. However, it works fine on my Dell 23" all in one running Windows 8. Why is that?
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
I have a brand new 27" iMac running Mountain Lion. My Logitech M305 mouse movements are somewhat erratic. However, it works fine on my Dell 23" all in one running Windows 8. Why is that?
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
Make sure you have downloaded the Logirech Control Center for your version of OS X
It would appear that while basic mouse functionality always works on Macs, it appears that your mouse is not 100% Mac compatible.
If setting up things in the LLC doesn't help your mouse, it is because it is not 100% compatible with the Mac.
There are some mice from Logitech that play well with Macs.
Also, some mice from Microsoft.
Other Mac compatible mice.
I installed the Logitech Control Center, but no help. Mouse still somewhat erratic.
Did you setup the mouse in System Preferences under Logitech Control Center in OS X System Prefernces in the OS X Dock?
Logitech M305 Mouse