FCPX compatible with Adobe Prelude and Adobe Speed Grade ?
Hi all experts,
Recently, I met a video editor who uses Permiere Pro.
He said he imported/ingest all his clips using Adobe Prelude then export to Premiere Pro.
And after Premiere export the movies out, he sent it to Adobe Speed Grade for color correction ?
My questions to all experts here are:
1) Is Our FCPX compatible with Adobe Prelude and Adobe Speed Grade ?
2) Why would he want to import using Adobe Prelude when he can do it in a NLE Editor ?
3) Why would he want to color correct using Adobe Speed Grade when he can do it in a NLE Editor ?
15.4, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 27" iMac - 4GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 1GB ATI Radeon HD, i5 QuadCore