How do you know if you have malware?
How do you know if you have malware, spyware and viruses that can steal your passwords and content without you even knowing it? The answer I hear so often is Macs don't get viruses. How is that possible?
How do you know if you have malware, spyware and viruses that can steal your passwords and content without you even knowing it? The answer I hear so often is Macs don't get viruses. How is that possible?
Flag17 wrote:
How do I get rid of malware on iPhone 7?
First, unless your phone has been "jailbroken" there is no currently known malware that can impact iOS or it's applications.
Next, this discussion is about Macs running OS X 10.8.x Mountain Lion and is over four years old now. You need to ask the question in the appropriate iPhone Forum to get the right people to see it. It's never a good idea to post a "me too" question in an old discussion since only those who are still following are likely to ever see it, especially when it's actually off-topic here. If you can't find an answer to your question in an existing discussion, then it's always best to start a new topic. It also saves time if you describe in great detail the problem you are having rather than jumping to any conclusions about it being malware, etc.
Just the way this forum works best.
How do I know if my iPhone 7 plus has malwares and viruses or if it is hacked?
I downloaded tutu app which is not trusted by apple. I searched and found out that tutu app is not safe. Does deleting it prevented my iPhone from viruses or malwares? I want to know if my iPhone is hacked too.
You have posted to a very old discussion concerning OS X Mountain Lion on a Mac Computer. You need to start a new topic to the Using iPhone forum.
A virus is a type of malware, and there are no viruses which can affect a Mac. The closest there has ever been to such a thing was a Java attack that could install software onto your Mac simply by entering a compromised web site. Since part of the definition of a virus is malware that can replicate without user intervention, that Java attack could be considered the first.
Otherwise, it's all still foolishness, or lack of knowledge on the part of the user that gets any other type of malware on a Mac. These fall under the Trojan category. The number one way criminals are attacking Macs are illegal software downloads from torrents and other such file sharing sites. They put other software into the installer packages that wouldn't normally be there. Like keyloggers or backdoors in an illegal copy of Photoshop. When you install the illegal software, you also install whatever else is in it.
If all of your software was legally purchased and obtained from legitimate sites, you have little to worry about. Do not believe sites that sell expensive software for ridiculously low prices. Like the Adobe CS6 Master Collection for $50 as a download. There's nothing legal about that. They get $50, your credit card number, and likely malware installed on your computer with whatever you think you legally purchased.
If your Mac has v10.7 Lion or v10.8 Mountain Lion installed, make sure you have Gatekeeper enabled to prevent malware.
Instructions here > OS X: About Gatekeeper
Either ClamXavand Sophoscan help prevent malicious code from being installed on your Mac.
Excellent user tip regarding security > Mac Malware: Apple Support Communities
Forgot to mention. Open your web browser preferences and turn Java off. Leave Javascript on. Despite the similar name, they do completely different things. It's Java that's full of security holes.
If you run across a trusted site that requires Java to be enabled in the browser in order to use that site, turn Java on only for as long as you are using that site. Then turn it back off.
elsie2 wrote:
How do you know if you have malware, spyware and viruses that can steal your passwords and content without you even knowing it? The answer I hear so often is Macs don't get viruses. How is that possible?
How do you know if you have malware? If you're running Windows on aPC, then there's a pretty good chance of it.
elsie2 wrote:
How do you know if you have malware, spyware and viruses that can steal your passwords and content without you even knowing it?
The only way you would have spyware on your computer is if you gave somebody physical access to it or permitted shared access over your network. All the malware known to exist that are capable of doing that use vulnerabilities that have been patched for years and have been targeted against small groups (e.g. Tibetan sympathizers). So as long as you keep your OS X and applications fully up-to-date, keep Java disabled except when you absolutely must use it and pay attention to any warnings you get, then you are protected against all currently known malware that can impact your computer.
So why do you ask? If you are having issues then I recommend you start a new thread with a more descriptive subject and tell us what you are seeing.
If you find this comment too long or too technical, read only sections 5, 6, and 10.
2. All versions of OS X since 10.6.7 have been able to detect known Mac malware in downloaded files, and to block insecure web plugins. This feature is transparent to the user, but internally Apple calls it "XProtect." The malware recognition database is automatically checked for updates once a day; however, you shouldn't rely on it, because the attackers are always at least a day ahead of the defenders.
The following caveats apply to XProtect:
Gatekeeper doesn't depend on a database of known malware. It has, however, the same limitations as XProtect, and in addition the following:
For the reasons given above, App Store products, and other applications recognized by Gatekeeper as signed, are safer than others, but they can't be considered absolutely safe. "Sandboxed" applications may prompt for access to private data, such as your contacts, or for access to the network. Think before granting that access. OS X security is based on user input. Never click through any request for authorization without thinking.
4. Starting with OS X 10.8.3, a third layer of protection has been added: a "Malware Removal Tool" (MRT). MRT runs automatically in the background when you update the OS. It checks for, and removes, malware that may have evaded the other protections via a Java exploit (see below.) MRT also runs when you install or update the Apple-supplied Java runtime (but not the Oracle runtime.) Like XProtect, MRT is presumably effective against known attacks, but maybe not against unknown attacks. It notifies you if it finds malware, but otherwise there's no user interface to MRT.
5. XProtect, Gatekeeper, and MRT reduce the risk of malware attack, but they're not absolute protection. The first and best line of defense is always your own intelligence. With the possible exception of Java exploits, all known malware circulating on the Internet that affects a fully-updated installation of OS X 10.6 or later takes the form of so-called "trojan horses," which can only have an effect if the victim is duped into running them. The threat therefore amounts to a battle of wits between you and the malware attacker. If you're smarter than he thinks you are, you'll win.
That means, in practice, that you never use software that comes from an untrustworthy source, or that does something inherently untrustworthy. How do you know what is trustworthy?
Fortunately, client-side Java on the Web is obsolete and mostly extinct. Only a few outmoded sites still use it. Try to hasten the process of extinction by avoiding those sites, if you have a choice. Forget about playing games or other non-essential uses of Java.
7. Never install any commercial "anti-virus" or "Internet security" products for the Mac, as they all do more harm than good, if they do any good at all. Any database of known threats is always going to be out of date. Most of the danger is from unknown threats. If you need to be able to detect Windows malware in your files, use one of the free anti-virus products in the Mac App Store — nothing else.
8. An anti-malware product from the App Store, such as "ClamXav," doesn't have these drawbacks. That doesn't mean it's entirely safe. It may report email messages that have "phishing" links in the body, or Windows malware in attachments, as infected files, and offer to delete or move them. Doing so will corrupt the Mail database. The messages should be deleted from within the Mail application.
A Windows malware attachment in email is usually easy to recognize. The file name will often be targeted at people who aren't very bright; for example:
Anti-virus software may be able to tell you which particular virus or trojan it is, but do you care? In practice, there's seldom a reason to use the software unless a network administrator requires you to do it.
The ClamXav developer won't try to "upsell" you to a paid version of the product. Other developers may do that. Don't be upsold. For one thing, you should not pay to protect Windows users from the consequences of their choice of computing platform. For another, a paid upgrade from a free app will probably have the disadvantages mentioned in section 7.
Excellent info Linc, big thanks
Excellent info Linc and others about how to prevent from getting Malware/Spyware etc. What those programs are, how you get infected and Mac's systems to prevent it.
But no-one has answered the question from the OP about how to tell if you have such software on your mac. And of course the corrallary that if you do, how to get rid of it.
Barry Fisher wrote:
But no-one has answered the question from the OP about how to tell if you have such software on your mac. And of course the corrallary that if you do, how to get rid of it.
I attempted to do that with my contribution, but the OP never got back to us as to why they are asking. Is it unexplained issues or specific suspicions or they just have extra time on their hands to search for something that has a low probability of existence?
there are no viruses which can affect a Mac.
This is simply not true. Because less than 10% of computer users are mac users, people who write computer viruses tend not to attack mac operating systems, as their goal is generally to distribute the virus as far and wide as possible.
To say that mac viruses don't exist is false. Apple doesn't have a magic spell they can cast to prevent malicious attacks, its just far less likely to happen because developers of viruses are far less interested in this tiny user base.
Name one actual OS X virus. And don't just name it, post a link to a credible source. Good luck.
"Our bear patrol must be effective, there have been no bear sightings in years!"
Thats pretty much how your logic is working. But nonetheless, here you go:
How do you know if you have malware?