Using Do Not Disturb, will my alarm sound, but silence calls, texts and notifications?
If I use Do Not Disturb, will my alarm sound, but silence text, and calls?
iPhone 4
If I use Do Not Disturb, will my alarm sound, but silence text, and calls?
iPhone 4
Your alarm will still sound with DND on. But, there are a few times when it didn't go off for me and I think it was because my vibrate switch was on. Typically, if DND is off, but your vibrate switch is on (meaning you have it set so calls and such will not make sound by way of that switch on the side) then your alarm will still go off. However if your vibrate switch is on while DND is on, i believe it silences the alarm.
Your alarm will still sound with DND on. But, there are a few times when it didn't go off for me and I think it was because my vibrate switch was on. Typically, if DND is off, but your vibrate switch is on (meaning you have it set so calls and such will not make sound by way of that switch on the side) then your alarm will still go off. However if your vibrate switch is on while DND is on, i believe it silences the alarm.
Well, it did on my new iPhone 7plus. Just got the phone and first use of alarm did NOT go off. Both my mute button and DND were on. I assume they've either changed it on the new phone or via the software. It not only didn't sound, it wasn't silently running either. In the past, a missed alarm was the first thing on the screen when you looked at your phone. In my case, no message at all, but the alarm was still green (on) and it was set for AM not PM. This is crazy! I had this problem with Samsung phones and that's why I switched back to Apple.
Actually Alarm will NOT sound. Tested today, by being late to work because of this. As far as I understand, the best workaround is to schedule the DND function to turn off right before the alarm.
OK tested again, Alarm works fine. Disregard my above report. Not sure what happened the first time, maybe didn't set the alarm properly :-(
TThe only way to silence the alarm is to have the ringer volume off so make sure you have it all the way up to hear tthe alarm when it's on vibrate mode/mute or DND mode. always have my phone on mute with vibrate but the ringer high so my alarm is loud enough
reynona wrote:
Well, it did on my new iPhone 7plus. Just got the phone and first use of alarm did NOT go off. Both my mute button and DND were on. I assume they've either changed it on the new phone or via the software.
No, it hasn't been changed. However, there have been some reports of issues if you have Bedtime set to wake you at the same time as an alarm.
ghm1938 wrote:
The alarm clock apps need a warning label.
"Warning: if you set an alarm, it will sound a loud noise at the time you directed. If you do not want the alarm to make a loud noise, turn it off prior to the set time."
This behavior strikes you as unusual in an alarm clock?
trakais wrote:
Actually Alarm will NOT sound. Tested today, by being late to work because of this. As far as I understand, the best workaround is to schedule the DND function to turn off right before the alarm.
Then there is something wrong with your device. I've done repeated tests on a variety of devices. The alarm sounds. You have to be using the built in Clock app.
Have you tried resetting your device? Force closing the Clock app? Have you made sure that the volume was turned up?
Best of luck.
erinoclock wrote:
However if your vibrate switch is on while DND is on, i believe it silences the alarm.
If you're referring to the mute switch (the slider above the volume buttons), no, it does NOT silence the alarm.
If you use the clock app in IOS, it will sound even if DND is urned on. If you download an alarm clock app from the app store, it will NOT sound. An approach is to use the scheduled DND, and turn it off, say, 5 minutes before alarm time.
No, no. The warning for the app should state that the alarm will NOT sound if DND is turned on. Since both are used at night, expecting an alarm to work at the set time is a common mistake. As one correspondent said, he was late to work, because he misunderstood a reply.
ghm1938 wrote:
No, no. The warning for the app should state that the alarm will NOT sound if DND is turned on.
That is incorrect. As has been noted repeatedly in this thread, the alarm WILL sound even if DND is turned on. The alarm WILL sound if the mute switch is engaged.
The person who said that it didn't work that way realized (three years ago) that they were wrong.
The real answer is: it depends. If you download and install an alarm app, such alarm 4 free from
Impala Studios, it will not override DND. I just tried it. But, if you use the clock app in IOS, it will override DND.
ghm1938 wrote:
The real answer is: it depends. If you download and install an alarm app, such alarm 4 free from
Impala Studios, it will not override DND. I just tried it. But, if you use the clock app in IOS, it will override DND.
And I explained that in my original answers to this thread years ago.
I hve lots of computer and software experience, but not much with iphone. Not an academic exercise. I had to be at a hospital 40 miles away for early morning surgery. Both alarm and surgery worked OK. Next alarm test is for a flight to paris on 24 August. This was important. Thanks for your help. Gene
Using Do Not Disturb, will my alarm sound, but silence calls, texts and notifications?