How do I sync road runner email on computer and iPad
How do I sync my road runner email on laptop and iPad and iPhone
How do I sync my road runner email on laptop and iPad and iPhone
Hey Jamie33333,
This first article will help you set it up on your iPad and iPhone:
iOS: Setting up an email account
This next one is for your Mac laptop:
Configuring Mail for your email account
With iOS 6 or 7 the email setup has gotten smarter, and now tries to figure out whether your ISP supports IMAP, and if it does, creates an IMAP account on the iPhone. If it your ISP does not support IMAP it creates a POP3 account. There are 2 problems with this added intelligence:
I had this issue just yesterday. The phone would auto select POP even though the server supported IMAP.
To get around this put in a fake email address when setting it up, ios 6 or 7 will then try to autodiscover the account settings when it cant it will ask you to fill in the server details and you can select pop or imap as shown in the screen shot below
With iOS 6 or 7 the email setup has gotten smarter, and now tries to figure out whether your ISP supports IMAP, and if it does, creates an IMAP account on the iPhone. If it your ISP does not support IMAP it creates a POP3 account. There are 2 problems with this added intelligence:
I had this issue just yesterday. The phone would auto select POP even though the server supported IMAP.
To get around this put in a fake email address when setting it up, ios 6 or 7 will then try to autodiscover the account settings when it cant it will ask you to fill in the server details and you can select pop or imap as shown in the screen shot below
With iOS 6 or 7 the email setup has gotten smarter, and now tries to figure out whether your ISP supports IMAP, and if it does, creates an IMAP account on the iPhone. If it your ISP does not support IMAP it creates a POP3 account. There are 2 problems with this added intelligence:
I had this issue just yesterday. The phone would auto select POP even though the server supported IMAP.
To get around this put in a fake email address when setting it up, ios 6 or 7 will then try to autodiscover the account settings when it cant it will ask you to fill in the server details and you can select pop or imap as shown in the screen shot below
I've had my roadrunner account, my first personal email address, for years. I absoutely hate managing my roadrunner inbox across multiple devices - deleting the same emails multiple times.
I just recently created an .icloud email account. It appears run on IMAP servers. Regardless, it allows seemless email management across iMac, iPhone and iPad. I guess I will be fading away from using Roadrunner to iCloud.
Road Runner does support IMAP but they don't advertise it very well. The instructions are at:
If you can't send emails when you're not using Road Runner internet try using the SMTP server:
The instructions are on Time Warner's website but it will work for all email addresses. Road Runner was a subsidiary of Time Warner and in 2012 they renamed Road Runner to Time Warner Cable Internet. You can read about their history and other companies that offer Road Runner internet at:
Roadrunner is POP3 only. To get the function you want, Roadrunner
would have to switch to the IMAP protocol and it does not currently
offer IMAP as an option.
The problem I am having is when I view or delete email on my ipad it does not view or delete on my laptop. My laptop is windows. I am sure there must be a way to sync the 2 Thanks
Thank you that is what I was afraid of
How do I sync road runner email on computer and iPad