Uh...no. If I didn't want to change my phone, I wouldn't have done the upgrade. I trusted Apple to provide a superior experience (why wouldn't I have?). I'm not thrilled with a number of the design choices here (it seems they went with white backgrounds simply for a change from the previous black backgrounds...not bc white looked better, but bc it wasn't black), but I can live with them, and maybe eventually enjoy them. And I've never posted on Apple's message board until just now. I have better things to do if my complaints are mere quibbles. But to suddenly feel sick - constantly - from my phone? I'm not wedded to this thing, or any device. If I wanted to simply bash Apple, I would have gotten a Samsung or a Motorola rather than an iPhone.
I'm making it up? Really? All of us? Well, I guess the articles in The New York Times, Time magazine, and other sources were created just bc there was no news to report so let's make stupid stuff up?
Apple is not Jesus or the Pope. It's okay FOR YOU to admit they're fallible and errors and oversights occur (remember the launch of maps? that went over a treat). Whether they acknowledge the issue (this thread is already nearly 30 pages) and address it (all I want is to turn off the gimmicks that are causing me the headaches) is another issue. If they don't, I walk. Seems reasonable enough, especially with the abundance of quality the competition is supplying.