WiFi self assigned IP and no internet connection after OS & iTunes upgrade
I have two likely related issues that started as a direct result of upgrading to OS X 10.8.5 and/or iTunes 11:
Starting tonight, after upgrading my OS and iTunes I am no longer able to use Home Sharing between my iMac and Apple TV. Apple TV is logged in to my network and Home Sharing is on, on both devices (signed in to the same account), but Apple TV says Home Sharing is not connecting to my iMac. My iPhone 5 is also not showing a Home Sharing connection.
I've restarted both my iMac and Apple TV several times. Logged in and out several times. Turned Home Sharing off/on several times, power cycled and reset my network modem once.
While trouble shooting my Home Sharing connection I noticed that under my Network settings, Wi-Fi is yellow instead of green and reads "Self-Assigned IP... Wi-Fi has the self-assigned IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xx and will not be able to connect to the Internet.".
When I go back to Apple TV I've found that althought it's connectted to my iMac through WiFi and I can see my purchased movies I can't view them becasue there is no connection to the iTunes Store (no internet coinnection through WiFi). But my actual network connection on my iMac is just fine.
So it seems that my new OS or iTunes upgrade has caused my WiFi to no longer allow an internet connection across teh wireless network.
Can anybody here tell me why that would happen and how can I fix it?
Any help is greatly appreciated,
Apple TV (2nd generation)