[23:05:36.0982] [nand_part_core:INF@2289] first 2 pages of boot blocks written with copies of partition table
[23:05:36.0982] [nand_part_core:INF@3169] next 98 pages of boot blocks written with LLB image of size 150080 bytes
[23:05:36.0982] [nand_part_core:INF@3172] final 156 pages of boot blocks written with random data in full page format
[23:05:36.0982] entering update_gas_gauge
[23:05:36.0982] entering update_ir_mcu
[23:05:36.0982] looking for mcu nub...no entry from path!
[23:05:36.0982] TiSerialFlasher not supported on this platform. Exiting.
[23:05:36.0982] entering update_baseband
[23:05:36.0982] update_baseband: registering for progress notifications
[23:05:36.0982] create_baseband_update_options: Got imeisv: 16
[23:05:36.0982] baseband updater options = <CFBasicHash 0x17533030 [0x59b710]>{type = mutable dict, count = 7,
[23:05:36.0982] entries =>
[23:05:36.0982] 0 : <CFString 0xcf1e38 [0x59b710]>{contents = "SystemRoot"} = <CFString 0x1761cb70 [0x59b710]>{contents = "/mnt1"}
[23:05:36.0982] 5 : <CFString 0xcf1dc8 [0x59b710]>{contents = "DisallowFusiing"} = <CFBoolean 0x59b910 [0x59b710]>{value = true}
[23:05:36.0982] 6 : <CFString 0xcf1f48 [0x59b710]>{contents = "autoSetupEnv"} = <CFBoolean 0x59b918 [0x59b710]>{value = false}
[23:05:36.0982] 7 : <CFString 0xcf1e48 [0x59b710]>{contents = "DataRoot"} = <CFString 0x1761e8e0 [0x59b710]>{contents = "/mnt2"}
[23:05:36.0982] 8 : <CFString 0xcf1d98 [0x59b710]>{contents = "forceUpdate"} = <CFBoolean 0x59b910 [0x59b710]>{value = true}
[23:05:36.0982] 9 : <CFString 0xcf1f58 [0x59b710]>{contents = "disablePing"} = <CFBoolean 0x59b910 [0x59b710]>{value = true}
[23:05:36.0982] 10 : <CFString 0xcf1eb8 [0x59b710]>{contents = "IMEISwVersion"} = <CFNumber 0x17533010 [0x59b710]>{value = +16, type = kCFNumberSInt32Type}
[23:05:36.0982] }
[23:05:36.0982] update_baseband: querying baseband info
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: BEGIN: Querying info at stage first
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: BEGIN: Preparing first stage
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: Requested boot mode: kBBUBootModeNone
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: Creating transport, attempts remaining 5...bbupdater: FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: powercycling modem
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: Creating transport, attempts remaining 4...bbupdater: FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: powercycling modem
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: Creating transport, attempts remaining 3...bbupdater: FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: powercycling modem
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: Creating transport, attempts remaining 2...bbupdater: FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: powercycling modem
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: Creating transport, attempts remaining 1...bbupdater: FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: powercycling modem
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: Creating transport, attempts remaining 0...bbupdater: FAILED(kBBUReturnIOError)
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: END(kBBUReturnIOError): Preparing first stage
[23:05:36.0982] bbupdater: END(kBBUReturnIOError): Querying info at stage first
[23:05:36.0982] send_bbupdate_status: sending baseband update status to host
[23:05:36.0982] update_baseband: calling CFNotificationCenterRemoveEveryObserver
[23:05:36.0982] update_baseband: bbupdater error: The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (BBUpdater error 3 - Failed creating a communication transport to baseband.)
[23:05:36.0982] 0: RamrodErrorDomain/3ec: update_baseband: failed querying baseband info
[23:05:36.0982] 1: BBUpdater/3: Failed creating a communication transport to baseband.
[23:05:36.0982] unable to convert ramrod error 1004
[23:05:36.0982] restore failed with CFError:
[23:05:36.0982] 0: AMRestoreErrorDomain/ffffffff: failed to update device firmware
[23:05:36.0982] 1: AMRestoreErrorDomain/ffffffff: ramrod firmware update failed
[23:05:36.0982] 2: RamrodErrorDomain/3ec: update_baseband: failed querying baseband info
[23:05:36.0982] 3: BBUpdater/3: Failed creating a communication transport to baseband.
[23:05:36.0982] waiting for host to acknowledge final status received...
[23:05:36.0982] void AppleUSBDeviceMuxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(mbuf_t) received reset, closing 0x97b1e4d0
[23:05:36.0982] recv(12, 4) failed: connection closed
[23:05:36.0982] unable to read message size: -1
[23:05:36.0982] received NULL message from host, expected final status
[23:05:36.0982] attempting to dump restore log
[23:05:36.0982] writing log file: /mnt1/restore.log
freezer will help?
Iphone 4s, error 1, just left restore to ios 8.1 or 8.1.1