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Please help ,what is (UNKOWN ERROR 3) in itunes when i try to restore iphone 5 to ios7 please help

iPhone 5, iOS 7

Posted on Sep 25, 2013 8:54 PM

693 replies

Nov 14, 2013 4:35 PM in response to johncali9

I just tried to update my iPad 3 from 7.0.3 to 7.0.4 and it failed and I am getting the same "error (3)" which I can find nothing about. Multiple attempts at doing a restore failed. All updates are on my MBA and I rebooted and I tried two differenct 30 pin cables plugged directly into my MBA. Nothing worked on multiple attempts. Under extended warrenty so I'm making a Genius appointment and giving it to them to resolve or replace. Not updating anything else in my household to 7.0.4, although I did my iPhone 5 first to 7.0.4 with no issues.

Nov 14, 2013 11:26 PM in response to kennethyoung

UPDATE: I went to Apple Genius bar this evening. They also tried a DFU Restore and still got "Error (3)". They also claimed to have no idea what "Error (3)" was and that they knew less than we do as developers about that kind of stuff.

So, I put my 25 years of Semiconductor experience to work. I suspect that Error code (3) is likely a "write verify error" from the storage Flash that is generated during the install process. This would happen if a "bit" of the Flash "got stuck" as a "1" or a "0" either because of a "slow write" or a "slow erase". This is common in Flash technology. The "fix" is to "make the chips cold" as "cold" semiconductors will both "write" and "erase" easier than "warm" Flash semiconductors.

To verify, I put my iPad 3 in the freezer (should use a freezer bag to prevent moisture, but I didn't) for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes I removed from the freezer, plugged in my 30 pin cable immediately and started a regular Restore. IT WORKED! I then restored all my apps from the prior day's backup. A few did not restore sucessfully, so I had to manually delete and reinstall. All went fine and my iPad is running iOS 7.0.4.

I love physics! The problem could repeat itself in the future, but then again it may not. If this works for you, and I suspect it will, you can repeat the "freeze" process again. It won't work for years, but it will extend your iPhone/iPad life for a while.

Good luck all!

Nov 19, 2013 12:29 AM in response to kennethyoung

I hope your right about this Kennetyoung. I have been without my iphone 5 for almost a month since I got my error (3) after trying to update to 7.0.2. Good thing I had my old Iphone 4 still laying around or i'd be phoneless. I tried every thing I have read on this site with no luck so hopefully this is the magic solution. Ive tried updating itunes (mac). Ive tried different USB ports, Ive tried using a different computer and all its different USB ports. The only thing I wasnt able to try was using a different cord since i only have the 1 Lightning cable it came with. Keeping my fingers crossed...

Nov 19, 2013 1:55 PM in response to jgm3100

Let me know how it works out.

You may get an different error message during the "update", I did, which basically just stated that there may be something wrong with your iPad/iPhone and to contact Apple, but you should see the "Hello" in all languages screen on your iPad/iPhone when the process is finished. Be patient. It may take up to an hour to complete, depending on your device. I went an watched TV and when I came back, I saw "Hello" cycling on my iPad after I touched the Home button.

Nov 20, 2013 2:50 PM in response to Appamir

If the "Restore on another computer" doesn't work (it didn't for me or the Apple Genius), or is not an option, go back to page 2 of this discussion and read how I used my "freezer" to solve the "Error (3)" problem on my iPad 3, and try it. Right now you have a "brick" so there really is no downside to my "freezer" fix that worked for me. I would recommend a freezer bag with a paper towel wrapped around 1/2 cup dry rice to minimize any condensation, placed inside the freezer bag (I didn't do this and just had some condensation on the outside, but I do recommend others use a freezer bag). The rice wrapped in the paper towel absorbs much of the moisture.

Nov 21, 2013 12:28 PM in response to kennethyoung

Kenneth, I tried everything listed including different computers and different versions of iTunes but no luck. I was out of options and had nothing to lose so I decided to deep freeze my ipad at your advice. I will admit that I was going to call BS on your solution because it was just so off the wall but I figured I had nothing to lose at that point. I wrapped it in paper towels, put it in a zip lock bag, and placed it in the freezer for 40 minutes.

40 minutes later, I took it out of the freezer and started the restore process. After just 10 minutes the restore actually completed successfully. I was and still am in complete awe that it actually worked. It has been on now for 24 hours with no problems.

Thanks for the suggestion. It worked for me when I had no other options.

Nov 21, 2013 1:33 PM in response to Jeepin'

Glad it worked. You are #3 that has reported success, which all but verify's that it is most likely an issue with the section of the Flash storage that is reserved for the operating system. I've written to Apple to see if they will acknowledge this as the issue and put in place a program to replace the iOS devices that get "bricked" to to "Error (3)", but I have heard nothing back yet. I'll report on this forum if I get any response.

Nov 21, 2013 1:37 PM in response to jgm3100

Did you try starting the Restore process immediately after taking it out of the freezer, or skip that due to the ice? So far I've had 3 people report success using this technique after getting "Error (3)" and you are the only "fail" to date. If you retry and it doesn't work, please let me know if you still got "Error (3)" or a different message (and what it was) so I can keep records and continue to chase this issue with Apple. Customers should not have to pay to fix an Apple device that gets "bricked" due to an Apple iOS update, regardless of the devices warranty status (IMHO).

Nov 21, 2013 1:45 PM in response to kennethyoung

Hey Kenneth,

I myself have been stuck for a while now since ios 7.0.2. I have tried everything in the forums, and even your freezer trick. I tried the restore right after I took it out the freezer and still got an error 3. When you wrote to apple, did you email them or send them an actual letter in the mail? If by email, may I please have the email address that was used. I'm about 2 mins away from emailing tim cook about this...This is an issue that needs to be addressed!!

Thank you.

Nov 21, 2013 3:10 PM in response to kennethyoung

This sounds like a good method (me being desperate). I tried your method of storing the device in the freezer for a duration of 40 min in a freezer bag with rice. I took it out immediately and restored with the now latest version of ios 7 (7.0.4). It appears to have no change in pattern during the restore (fails more than half way). I will retry this method again since apple has not taken responsibility for this mess.

Nov 21, 2013 3:31 PM in response to ogm1er

It was the "Customer Satisfaction Survey" that Apple sends out after a visit to the Genius Bar which failed to solve the problem. After the last "check the box" question on the survey, they give you a big text box to type in as much as you want, then asks for your phone number and a good time to call you after you complete filling in the text box.

I wrote a pointed argument as to how Apple should be responsible for "bricking" devices with their software iOS updates, regardless of warranty status, the same way I would hold my car dealership responsible to fix my car if they updated the engine OS and after the engine software update, the engine wouldn't start. If my car dealership said to me the same words the Apple Genius and store manager said "Sorry the OS update bricked your engine, but your car is 222 days out of warranty, so we'll sell you a used car or engine at full price" - well, would you accept that? I don't think Tim Cook would and Apple customers shouldn't either. I didn't drop my iPad 3 and break the screen - that would be my responsibility. Apple pushed an iOS update to my device and bricked it. That's their responsibility as I see it.

I've been told that Apple reads every one of these customer survey and takes them seriously, so we'll see if they respond.

Nov 21, 2013 4:58 PM in response to kennethyoung

Thank you for the info. I smell a class action lawsuit coming real soon if nothing happens. It almost seems like they know about this issue but yet claim its a hardware issue. I keep getting pointed to a document on here for help from the so-called apple people telling me how to restore. I have tried every step they have told me to do, have done all the steps on the forums, I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING. I have been a developer for 3 going on 4 years. I thought it was classic when the "genius" told me that us developers are smarter then they are, we have no clue what error 3 is.

Nov 22, 2013 4:30 AM in response to johncali9

As an IOS software (new version) can prevent my machine to finish the restoration. So why are the available versions 7.0.2 and 7.0.4 now can not installed on my iPhone, how can anything be corrected. There's something wrong with the IOS version 7 it is because some started to have the same problem the ERR (3), may even be conincidencia, but there's something wrong in the air and has not yet been discovered. Remains is to have more people having the same problem and Apple resolve to contribute to the solution team.


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