I periodically watch 'iPad Today', a video podcast hosted by Leo Laporte and Sarah Lane (http://twit.tv/ipt). Many of you will have heard of Leo Laporte, who Wikipedia describes as 'an American technology broadcaster, author, and entrepreneur'. He is certainly very well known in tech circles.
It only occurred to me today that this might be a useful forum to get our problem better known. I seem to recall that at least one of you has already tried to contact another tech site. It would help me if you could post the statement of the problem that you used in your email.
We need a clear, succinct, easy to understand statement of the issue and simple steps to reproduce the problem using standard apps. We know that this can easily be demonstrated on an iPad 2 or an older iPhone and that should be sufficient to interest Leo Laporte given that Apple still sells the iPad 2. However, is it also easy to force the phenomenon on the iPad Air, new iPad mini and iPhone 5?
Should we concentrate on demonstrating the problem on older kit rather than risk diluting the effect? The problem is that I simply don't have a grasp of how significant the problem is on new (A7) devices.
We want to go for maximum impact but with minimum hysteria. I will start on a statement of the problem tomorrow. Once I'm ready I will forward it to iPad Today. I appreciate that this focuses on the iPad but I believe that most of us accept that this is an iOS 7 issue not one of device form-factor.
Views, ideas?