Correct resize of DV Pal video (720 -> 768)
I'm using a DV cam (Pal standart). The DV video is 720x576 NON-square pixels.
To display it on a computer monitor the correct size is 768x576 pixel, because these are square pixels.
Ok! But the actual used video area is only 704x576 pixels, because DV cams don't use the 8 left/right -most pixels (=black bars).
So, do I have to resize the video 720 -> 768 and keep the black bars or to resize it 704 -> 768 without the black bars???????????????
Of course I want the resulting video to reproduce the original scene with the right aspect ratio (e.g. a perfect sphere should be a perfect circle (no ellipse) in the end)!
(One thing: Please read the question carefully and don't respond if you don't know what you are talking about - its pretty annoying to get wrong or of topic half-cocked answers.)
G5 Dual 2GHz, 8 RAM-Slots, Mac OS X (10.3.9), 2GB, 360GB, Radeon 9650