Someone is trying to hack into my Apple account
I just wanted to make mention of some forum questions I saw similar from earlier, like in June and July. It is now mid-October.
In the past couple weeks, on at least 3 occassions, I have received similar messages from apple, probably 3 each occassion.
To reset your Apple ID security questions and answers, simply click the link below. It will take you to a web page where you can create a new set of security questions and answers.
Please note that the link will expire three hours after this email was sent.
Reset your Apple ID security questions and answers
Didn’t request to reset your security information? Someone may be attempting to claim c••••• as their own Apple ID. Please go to to reset your password immediately.
For more information, visit the Apple ID Support site.
Apple Support
They have all referenced the same c****** mail adddress. Two of the 3 messages I received last night were in German.
First time: I have a strong, unique password on my appleid account: a password more than 16 random upper/lower alpha, numeric and symbols, I keep in a password safe application.
The second time I got these messages last weekend, I added 2-step authentication to my Apple account.
Last night, after getting more regarding my challenge questions, I got concerned, so I changed my strong password to another, in case they had acquired my password when Apple's Developer servers got hacked in the recent past.
As far as I can tell, I am doing everything "right" about creating, using and protecting my account.
But do you know what a pain in the rear end this is, to change a single appleid password? Each of my devices - 2 macs, iPad, iPhone - I have to change the iCloud login under settings. I have to change the logins in third party apps - my email program for example. This is a freaking nightmare.
And what really ****** me off is you hear nothing from Apple on this. They don't mention squat about what got hacked, and who's vulnerable. But someone got a hold of my account some how and is trying to complete the job and break into it.
Is there something else I should do?
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), Bluetooth, trackpad issue