What happens if your Apple ID is an email address that no longer is valid.
What happens if your Apple ID is an email address that no longer works?
iPad 2, iOS 7.0.2
What happens if your Apple ID is an email address that no longer works?
iPad 2, iOS 7.0.2
Apple recommends you change your Apple ID to your current, working email address. This will not create another Apple ID, it will only change it to your working email address. See Changing the name you use for your Apple ID if you'd like more information.
Note: @mac.com and @me.com Apple IDs can not be renamed. If you no longer use the .mac or .me email address be sure to add your valid email address as an additional email address.
Apple recommends you change your Apple ID to your current, working email address. This will not create another Apple ID, it will only change it to your working email address. See Changing the name you use for your Apple ID if you'd like more information.
Note: @mac.com and @me.com Apple IDs can not be renamed. If you no longer use the .mac or .me email address be sure to add your valid email address as an additional email address.
I'd like to clarify the excellent advice given by my colleague Jomacro.
Make sure that you change the email address and name on the EXISTING Apple ID. Do NOT inadvertently create a new ID.
What is this
What happens if your Apple ID is an email address that no longer is valid.