I hate the new tags in Mavericks, need coloured folders!!
Is there a way to return the colour folders when using the new tags like the old behavior of labels? These new circle thingees are too small and barely noticable.
OS X Mavericks (10.9)
Is there a way to return the colour folders when using the new tags like the old behavior of labels? These new circle thingees are too small and barely noticable.
OS X Mavericks (10.9)
For anyone still looking of the solution to restoring LABELS in Mavericks, it turns out to be incredibly simply: Get XTRAFINDER. It allows you to modify Finder in many ways, including restoring Labels. I have only just downloaded it, but it appears to work well.
Did it really tale over 1500 replies and 102 pages to come up with this? I found the solution on another forum. If anyone had mentioned in this thread, I missed it because most replies had nothing to do with solving the issue (such as Csound1 reply).
In response to Csound1, I dont even know what point you are trying to make, but it seems to be just another example of wasted dribble that offered nothing useful to solving the problem. You should find better ways to entertain yourself.
Also, to those who think this is not important and would like the thread to die, there are many people who find the high visability of labels (vs tags) to be quite important. If you don't, that's fine, but you respect those who are seeking solutions through forums like this, by staying on topic, and keep your pithy quips, retorts, and clever flames to yourself.
...and keep your pithy quips, retorts, and clever flames to yourself.
You mean like yours?
Xtrafinder has been suggested in this thread long ago, thanks for confirming that you don't actually bother to read the thread though. I had suspected that.
Well, I guess some people have better things to do than read through over 100 pages of off-topic BS from people like you, just to find a simple solution. You might consider another form of entertainment though because forums like this are for the exchange of USEFUL information, not a place for you to dazzle us with your pithy remarks and cutting sarcasm.
That would be a good thing if the next OS brought labels back. In the meantime, XTRAFINDER seems to work well, and actually provides a lot of enhancements to Finder which I'm finding pretty useful.
ITs it's funny to me how Apple can be so brilliant in some respects, and so dumb in others. Take Calendar and Reminders, for example. Always hated both apps, and then I found BusyCal. What a brilliant alternative! Why couldn't Apple have provided that kind of functionality? Oh well, I guess it will always be a sort of love/hate relationship when it comes to all things Apple.
As you are one of those who "have better things to do" so can't be bothered to read the thread before commenting you clearly won't know that i am one of the posters who suggested XtraFinder in the first place (long before today).
And that just reinforces my opinion of you. Carry on.
Sturner6, I admire you that you have found a solution! And brag with it. Great when you should only have read this thread to find it. Everybody here already know about Xtra finder. Xtrafinder has been mentioned already tens of times here, starting more than half a year ago. If you think you must not read the thread before posting an answer, you are not only stupid but wasting somebody elses time (like Csound and me now). If you should have read this thread you should have realised that most people in this thread are here to nag and are not interested in a solution.
Things are improving Lex, sturner6 has now managed to discover BusyCal, only 7 years after it was made available.
I have sent them an email so they will know.
Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude, and if you suggested it somewhere in the hundred pages of posts, kudos to you.
My only point is that too many people treats these forums as social venues and that is NOT what they are for. Facebook or Twitter are the places to go with that kind of stuff.
I rely on Apple hardware and software in a professional setting. When something goes wrong, I'm on deadline, and I need a fast fix, I don't have time to weed through a thousand off-topic posts to find the "golden nugget".
Sent from my iPad
<edited by host>
Sorry dude, I avoid forums like the plague. Always off topic, always flames, and a rare bit of useful information sprinkled about. If you are a working professional, you need to find info quick...over 100 pages to wade through is way too much. Now if all the off-topic posts didn't exists, there might be 1 or two pages to the thread. Is it so hard to understand my frustration with this particular thread? Signing out, I've had my fill of forum madness. LATER.
It's just an indicator of the value of actually reading the thread.
BusyCal is a superlative calendaring system, I have used it since 10.5 (Leopard). It has always been the best there is for a Mac.
OK Csound, sorry if I offended you. Anybody who likes BusyCal can't be that bad. My initial post was just out of frustration with this ridiculously long thread, lack of useful information, and the usual forum jazz.
Let's compromise on 'frustrated' 🙂 rather than offended.
And you should be OK with XtraFinder (by the reports) it's not something I use (the coloured labels were far too limiting for my needs) but many are reporting good things about it.
In what way are they limiting? Tags are still maintained.
Things are improving Lex, sturner6 has now managed to discover BusyCal, only 7 years after it was made available.
I have sent them an email so they will know.
Brilliant indeed (I have it already since it was introduced) . What a good find! But is is out of the scope of this thread 😁
I hope he has some more time to spend, for example to read this whole thread.
I hate the new tags in Mavericks, need coloured folders!!