How do I re-import photos from my iPhone?
The external hard drive that held my iPhoto library failed.
However, about 1000 photos are still on my iPhone, because I don't like to delete them after I import them. Yea!
I created a new iPhoto Library, and would like to import all the old photos into it, but it will only import "new" photos that were not ever imported into iPhoto.
How do I re-import the photos into my new iphoto library?
OR... How can I grab the photos from the iPhone (my Photo Stream?) and save them onto my computer?
<obviously, I'm not that computer savy, so if your answer is really technical, it also needs to be really detailed... :-)>
Thanks for any help! It's frustrating to see the photos out on my phone, but not have a way to get them back onto my computer.
MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)