Thanks I have looked at a number of scripts, most failed for the reason you mentioned. I managed to get one working. Pasted the following into Applescript Editor and saved as an application to the desktop. You can then drag and drop files from any directory and it converts them and saves in the same directory as the original pages document.
on opentheFiles
tell application "Pages"
repeat with aFile in theFiles
set docName to name of front document
-- Remove .pages extension.
set prevTIDs to AppleScript'stext item delimiters
set AppleScript'stext item delimiters to ".pages"
-- Add .doc extension.
set docName to first text item of docName & ".doc"
set AppleScript'stext item delimiters to prevTIDs
-- Get folder that dropped file exists in.
tell application "Finder"
set sourceFolder to (container of aFile) as Unicode text
end tell -- Finder
-- Save file to folder that dropped file exists in.
set docPathAndName to sourceFolder & docName
save front document as "Microsoft Word 97 - 2004 document" in docPathAndName
close front document
end repeat
end tell
end open