We'll apart from a wobble a couple of days ago my battery only drains when the cellular data is turned on.
My original phone was updated over wi fi and I was told on Apple live chat that this was the problem. Apple replaced the phone under warranty and it is set up now as a new phone. The excessive battery drain remains when the data is turned on dropping about 18 percent an hour.
I have an iPad without cellular updated to 7.0.4 and it's fine, my colleague has one with cellular and it has the issue. Blakefrommd mentions rolling back! Is this possible? and if so how? Apple tell me it is not but I would like too if anyone knows how.
I love my apple devices and the way it all all my stuff links up from phone to pad and PC but I spend a lot of time out of the office and my phone can no longer cope. Come on Apple you know this is an issue and you have many loyal customers waiting to hear something from you! Even if the fix is not yet available just confirmation that it is being looked at would suffice, for now at least.