How to tell between SATA2 and SATA3 hard drives?
Hello all.
Googled my little fingers off and couldn't find a clear answer to this ...
How (the heck) do you find out if a hard drive is SATA3 or SATA2 and/or how do you find out if a hard driveis 6Gb/s or 3Gb/s?
The situation: WIth the price coming down on SSD drives, I finally caved and bought an SSD to upgrade my 2011 Macbook Pro. First up, wow ... I realize this SSD drive is brand new and performing at it's best but holy doodle! It's so fast it feels like a whole new computer. Great upgrade, well worth the money.
Anyways, my plan was to install the SSD as the primary drive and run the OS and applications off it. Then take old main HD (a 1TB, 72000rpm HD) and rotate that into the optical bay (for file storage). I am using the OWC data-doubler kit and that's where the problems started. The data doubler rack is fine but apparently I can't put a SATA3 (?) drive in the optical bay ... only SATA2 drives. Something about the optical bay not being able to handle 6Gb/s and only 3Gb/s.
I might have an out here. I have three other 2.5" HDs in external USB enclosures (Western Digital My Passport, Freecom etc.) that if I can successfully identify as SATA2 and/or 3Gb/s then I will break open and use that in the optical bay. Before breaking the enclusore open, I would ideally like to positively identify the drive as having the proper specs. These enclosures don't appear to be designed to be opened and closed again so it might be a one way mission if I break them open ;-)
I plugged in the drives and tried System Information and wasn't able to spot anything (maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention)
If anyone can tell me if it's possible to plug these USB drives and indentify them as SATA2 / SATA3 or 6Gb/s / 3Gb/s that would be awesome.
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.0.4, Mavericks, SIRI