Is WPA2PSK Supported by Airport Extreme
Does the Airport Extreme support the WPA2PSK protocol. I am trying to connect my Samsung wifi-enabled TV. This model only supports WEP, WPAPSK, WPA2PSK.
Any ideas would be helpful.
Airport Extreme-OTHER
Does the Airport Extreme support the WPA2PSK protocol. I am trying to connect my Samsung wifi-enabled TV. This model only supports WEP, WPAPSK, WPA2PSK.
Any ideas would be helpful.
Airport Extreme-OTHER
It is probably going to be a trial and error process to find a setting on the TV that will be compatible with the AirPort Extreme.
The reason for this is that manufacturers use different names for the same thing.
For example, the default wireless security setting on an AirPort Extreme is WPA2 Personal. Another manufacturer might call this WPA2-PSK-AES.
Another possible setting. although a bit less secure is WPA/WPA2 Personal. Another manufacturer would call the same settings WPA-PSK-TKIP.
Unless you have changed the settings on the AirPort Extreme, it is set for WPA2 Personal, which is a common industry standard, so your best bet will be to try to find a matching setting on the TV. Samsung Support might be able to help on this as well.
The TV will have a better chance of connecting if you keep the name of the AirPort Extreme wireless network short.....8-20 characters at most....with no special characters (like an apostrophe or dollar sign) in the name, as well as no blank spaces in the name.
Same guidelines for the wireless network password.
Is WPA2PSK Supported by Airport Extreme