How do I download older version of iBooks
I have an older iPad 1 that my daughter uses and I can't get iBooks to download. I just wanted to get an older version of iBooks to put some mags on. Any info is greatly appreciated.
iPad, iOS 5.1.1
I have an older iPad 1 that my daughter uses and I can't get iBooks to download. I just wanted to get an older version of iBooks to put some mags on. Any info is greatly appreciated.
iPad, iOS 5.1.1
If you haven't already downloaded the app on your account then download the current version on your computer's iTunes. Then go into the Purchased tab in the App Store app and you should be able to download an older compatible version of the app :
If you haven't already downloaded the app on your account then download the current version on your computer's iTunes. Then go into the Purchased tab in the App Store app and you should be able to download an older compatible version of the app :
1. If you have an iPad 1, the latest IOS version one can install is IOS 5.1,1
2. If you have never downloaded iBooks onto this iPad, the current version of iBooks is the only version available.
The article you refer to does not seem to work for this situation unless I am missing something.
I have the same problem as king Joshua and would love to solve the problem.
Thanks for your help, hal
Try downloading the current version on your computer's iTunes so that the app is in your purchase history, then go to the Purchased tab in the App Store app on your iPad and see if you can download a 5.1.1 compatible version on it.
The only device my wife has is this iMac 1, and she cannot download the current version of iBooks ... The current version requires IOS 7, and the iMac 1 cannot be upgraded beyond IOS 5.1,.1.
Therein lies the rub
An iMac doesn't run iOS, only iPads, iPhones and iPod Touches do.
Have you tried what I said in my previous post ? Download the current version of the iBooks app on your computer's iTunes so that it's in your purchase history and then see if you can download an aolder version of it on your iPad via the Purchased link in the App Store app on it
hi dear King_Penguin
that works for ibooks.
what about older iMovie version 2.0
In fact, i have ipadmini ios 7. i didn't install the older free iMovie version 2.0 so far. i am eligible to download free iMovie.
but how can i download the older free iMovie ,that is, version 2.0 without upgrading to ios 8.0.2
apple message appears on my ipad" if you want to download this free iMovie version 2.1, you should upgrade to ios 8.0.2" but i don't want to ugrade to ios 8.0.2
can i do this on my computer's iTunes and all you said about ibooks app too?
iTunes on my computer's shows imovies is not free while i authorized my pc and entered my apple id and password before?
You will only be able to download the free version on your device - the apps are only available for free directly on devices that were activated on/after 1st September 2012 and which are on iOS 7+, if you try to download it on your computer's iTunes then you are likely to be charged (it shows as free on my iPad ; paid-for on my computer).
Dear King_Penguin
you re right but the link for free iMovie app version 2.0 is not available on my ipad. as I said before apple message on my ipad iTunes appears is ," if you want to download this free app version 2.1, you should upgrade to ios 8.0.2"
my question is , how can I access that link in my ipad iTunes or in the Purchased link to download the last but one version of iMovie that is free for me?
can I ask developer for that?
thanks a lot
You can't. The only way to potentially download an older compatible version of the app is if it is already in your account's purchase history - to get that app into your account's purchase history you will need to download it, which you will only be able to do for free on your iPad, and to do that you will need to update to iOS 8 on it.
I tried King Penguin's solution, and it worked.
How do I download older version of iBooks