how do I safely download Friz Quadrata font to my mac? where to download and where do I put it?
how do I safely download Friz Quadrata font to my mac? where to download and where do I put it?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
how do I safely download Friz Quadrata font to my mac? where to download and where do I put it?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
Not sure if it will work. has not updated their software for Windows 7, let alone Mac OS X since Macs were on PowerPC CPUs.
Not sure if it will work. has not updated their software for Windows 7, let alone Mac OS X since Macs were on PowerPC CPUs.
I might also add, backup your system before installing any fonts, using a Clone backup
As one of the most complained about bugs is corrupted fonts causing crashes.
Thanks for the help. I guess I am so afraid of some awful malware sneaking in, that I hesitate to go to any website and download stuff (learned a terrible lesson with MacKeeper! ... but that's another story). I took a deep breath, backed up my system, went to and downloaded Friz Quadrata. Then I made sure that it was in my font folder (which I found using Searchlight) and I moved it to the Modern Folder. I then restarted my Mac, and there it was! I is still not listed in Word, but if I go to the font tab and open "Font Collections," there it is. Everything seems to be working; I've used the font now and no crashes or freezes. Will keep you updated if some bad stuff happens. Thanks so much for giving me the courage to do this!!
how do I safely download Friz Quadrata font to my mac? where to download and where do I put it?