Yes, for the most part...
If you get the AC in-cord to the Adapter with your regional plug on it,
then the need for any other shape-converter or plug kit would vanish.
Here's an example of the Apple (UK) world traveler kit for power adapters:
The part number (less UK) would be similar across all Apple Stores online
& regional stores should have them in stock to match local/traveler shapes.
Another example of regional parts with local plug ends, otherwise automatic
conversion built-in, can be seen among these UK Apple Store items. {The US
store has the local ones for North America; the AU store, for there, etc.} devices
(You should be able to buy the Apple AC cord, for a MacBook/Air/Pro power
adapter, in the region where you hope to use it. -- Better to have the whole
device, in case you don't find an Apple Store or authorized reseller w/ Cords.)
Other stores with the generic end-fit shape adapter w/o power conversion
may be found in major cities near airports or border points. Luggage stores
and travel accessories, or a travel outdoor outfitter, such as REI, Inc.
And then, there are those kits with a power conversion adapter & transformer
inside; these should not be necessary with any Apple product that has a near
universal automatic AC power switching capability built into it. You can get a
local regional AC power cord with the local plug affixed, or use a basic kit.
Each online regional Apple Store sales pages show these kinds of products
with their local power plug version, so it is possible to buy the replacement
AC cord with the correct local plug on it. No further modifications necessary.
{Another device that won't do much good, if you can't adapt, is a DC-to-DC
adapter; this would need to have a MagSafe cord on the exit (output) end
so as to avoid the MagSafe adapter altogether. Such as on a boat or a train
where you may find no AC power, only DC. Uncommon, but possible.}
Good luck & happy computing! 🙂