How do I free a busy tty device?
Using the 'screen' command in terminal, I get the error "cannot open line '/dev/tty.usbserial' for R/W: resource busy". How do I release or free this resource?
I am connecting to a Raspberry Pi UART via a MAX3232 serial to TTL converter module. The RS232 serial port on my iMac is provided via a Prolific USB to Serial adaptor. Using a terminal window, I entered "screen /dev/tty.usbserial 115200". The first time I did this,and booted the raspberry pi, i got many beeps and scrolling blank spaces (eg there was some sort of connection, good). I then didn't know how to exit screen, so I command Q'd the session. Now when i re-open the session, and use 'screen' again, I get the error as stated above. I realise turning it off and on again will probably do it, but am after a commnad.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)