With both the iMac 21.5-inch and 27-inch models, in this era, there is
a glass cover over the LCD panel; some users in humid climates or
not-so-dry indoor environs had complained of moisture accumulation
between the inside areas of both panels.
While the glass panel is removable, it should not be done on a whim
since the item requires tools and some understanding of how it works.
There is a repair guide for that model (in 21.5 inch; look for the 27 inch
guilde, if you have that one) at the iFixit.com site...
•iMac Intel 21.5" EMC 2308 Repair - iFixit:
•iMac Intel 27" EMC 2309 and 2374 Repair - iFixit:
If there is a question as to the guides here may be incorrect for specific
model use, be sure to correctly identify your iMac and then use that info
to look into the exact details for guides based on how iFixit shows them.
•iMac Intel Repair Guides - iFixit:
{Later models (see iFixit, or Apple spec) do not have a separate glass
panel in front, so this idea and suggestion is not applicable to them.}
Hopefully the display's 'cloud' is condensate or localized moisture and
you can carefully remove it; then see if you can reduce the humidity
in the location you use and store the iMac intel computer. And, of course
if after clearing both sides of the display glass of any surface contaminant,
and inspecting the outside of the LCD panel, this could be seen as hopeful
exercise in topical troubleshooting. The LCD may still have an issue...
Try a SMC reset; or maybe NVRAM?
Good luck & happy computing! 🙂