I think someone has spoofed my MAC address!?
I'm hoping someone can help me. This is a big deal for me :o(
On a social media site where I have an account a friend of mine said that another user who had been sending messages had the same mac and IP address as my account... So looks like I have multiple accounts and using one device.
I however have not been! I only have one email address and most sites don't allow 2 accounts with same email address for starters.
I've reAd up a lot online prior to asking here - I'm led to believe that you can copy and spoof these addresses, I also hear they can sometimes how the same
If using the same wifi ( but different devices? ) is this true?
Is it possible someone is messing with things?
Can I get or can I change my MAC address to stop this happening??
Be grateful for any help as this is causing a lot of emotional trouble.
Thanks in advance.
iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1.1