OK. again, your recommendation was to open the parent folder and type CMD + F. in my case this does not bring up the image you show as i indicated in my last post (it brings up This Mac, All My Files and Shared as i have indicated). so again, i am going to recommend that you advise others as i have indicated in my follow up post. since you've been very helpful in a pretty reliable way i am not sure why you would be resistant to advising others in this manner in the future.
i mean, for those following the danger here is to trash your system to a point of - well - being trashed.
i think you are being a little passive aggressive with the discussion on backups so i am not going to respond except to say that i think the original advice to "Restore your hard drive from the backup copy made prior to this happening" was in itself putting the proverbial cart before the horse. what i am saying is that IF you think you may need to advise someone to restore from a backup, any clown would advise that the recipient of their advise should make sure they have a backup prior to taking the advice. also, for a lot of us who do a lot of work at any particular time - restoring from a backup is not a simple matter and should not be treated as cavalierly as i think you are treating it.
futhermore - IF you didn't think you would need to advise me to restore from my backup after taking your advice then i am telling you now that you need to do so in the future if you are going to continue with this kind of suggestion.
everything else on this thread is just words so i will reiterate the facts.
1. following your advice on this thread almost trashed my system.
2. it is highly advisable to advise others to make sure they have a backup prior to issuing advice that almost trashed the system of a previous recipient of this advice.
3. don't treat restoring from a backup cavalierly (it is not).
if you continue to insist that your advice was good on this thread and that somehow i didn't follow it correctly then i would advise others to be very cautious of any future suggestions you might have...