Exactly how does Winclone utility work?
I have a 2012 Macbook Pro running Mavericks, and I have partitioned my hard drive with Bootcamp, and have installed windows 7 on the partition. Lately, like many bootcamp users, I have ran into some space issues with underestimating how much storage I would need for my partition. Thus, I have been researching ways to safely and effectively re-partition my hard drive while managing to save my Windows data.
With this in mind, I have found Winclone, and thought it would be able to solve my problems. However, before I dive into re-partitioning with Winclone, which I quickly found on the internet, I would like to make sure I know what it does and if it will allow me to waste minimal time in re-installing software on my windows partition.
Basically my questions are :
- Winclone creates a Disk Image of my Windows Partition. What does this mean?
- When restoring onto a larger partition, will I be required to reinstall anything like drivers, system programs, etc. ?
- Does anyone know of any potentially negative consequences of utilizing Winclone to effectively increase the size of my windows partition?
Thanks in advance for anyone who chooses to help
Also- When answering these questions, note that I will have already backed up my entire windows OS onto an external hard drive prior to proceeding with the Winclone utility. Which begs the question:
- Is it even necessary for me to use the Winclone utility if I am already planning on backing up my entire windows OS onto an external hard drive?
I apologize in advance if this is posted in the wrong section. First time posting on the forum.