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This item is temporarily unavailable Mac error

After my macbook pro had become really slow the past days, I decided to reset the system, following the usual steps:

1. Press alt+power button

2. Choose Utilities --> erase Macintosh HD (or in my case, it was called macbook pro)

3. Reinstall the Mountain Lion OS X through internet.

However, after trying to install the OS X, and entering an apple id (my brother's, since his id worked - probably because he used his id when installing the OS X on this computer the first time), an error message pops up, saying:

"This item is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later"

I don't know what to do, since I have tried redoing these steps on multiple occasions this day, and with two different networks. Unfortunately, I don't have the original installation dvd:s, so I have to install the OS through internet (or if it is possible, by downloading the OS to an external hard drive, and then installing through that).

Anyways, my macbook pro is bought in the mid 2010's, maybe that information can help? I don't know what the last OS X update I used was...

[Re-Titled by Host]

MacBook Pro

Posted on Jul 18, 2014 3:20 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Mar 12, 2016 9:59 PM

This same thing happened to me, "This item is temporarily unavailable. Try again later."

I must have tried 20 times, before I figured out that it was not the Apple servers. (had to google it)

However here are the differences:

1. I bought the MacBook Pro from a pawn shop, so I have NO clue as to the original owner or their Apple ID/password.

Image my surprise when I found this little tidbit of Apple ID horror!

2. I ONLY have ONE MacBook, not two, which is what EVERY response expects/assumes you to have.

A little explanation, I purchased this MacBook Pro and wanted to update to the new El Capitain OS 10.11 version,

but I did not have enough room on my HD for it, because the previous owner had a lot of trash, junk files, downloads, pictures, email, etc cluttering up space, which of course I didn't want, nor did I ever need. Likewise, I certainly didn't want his name referencing MY new laptop or pathways, directories, and so on etc, etc, etc.

SO I'm like, wipe that sucker clean.

WRONG MOVE... big mistake!!!

Which I'm sure most of you are well aware by now ...of that swift jump into Apple's h e l l h o l e!

After hours, days of research, trying this, trying that, figuring out dead-ends, frustrated, crying, yelling...like it really did any good! hmmmm

I came up with a way to re-install my previous OS without, let me say that again WITHOUT using an Apple login credentials,

so here it goes, are you ready?

This happens to be my FIRST Apple product ever, which I've never experienced their OS layout, so the learning curve was aggressive.

I've been a dedicated Windows user since 3.1, so IF I type (explain) something (terminology) "incorrectly" be understanding, ok?

So for those of you which like myself, have ONLY one Mac product and NO friends to help OR want to share my burden.

Firstly, Write this address down: http://getintopc.com/softwares/operating-systems/mac-os-x-mavericks-free-downloa d/

And NO you cannot download from your Windows computer onto a USB drive and then transfer it to your Mac.

WHY, because Windows uses FAT formatting while Mac uses Mac OS, they don't understand each other,

designed that way on purpose dont'cha know?

That is the web-address you will use to download the "Mavericks Installer.dmg", You will need this later for downloading.

You need TWO USB DRIVES, at least 8GB each (this is the secret) shhhh, don't tell...haha

Hopefully, you have two working USB ports.

IF not, just stop now, the rest is assumed and expected that you have two working USB ports on your Mac.

It was bad enough reading through all the previous posts, just to find out that I didn't have the correct Apple ID/password,

nor did I have an extra MacBook just conveniently laying around!

ON your Mac, you need to get into "Mac OS X Utilities", here's how:

HOLD down Command + Option + R while you push POWER (you can release Power only)

Keep holding others, until rotating EARTH shows up. (now you can release those other 3), This starts Internet Recovery.

This is when your Mac will attempt to connect to the internet, make sure you have either Wi-Fi or Ethernet connected,

Ethernet (hard-wired) is much faster than Wi-Fi for downloading needed files.

When "Mac OS X Utilities" finally shows up: (takes it's sweet time about it)

1. SELECT "Disk Utility"

2. Plug in one USB drive at a time, let Disk Utility recognize it, then plug in second USB drive, wait for recognition.

3.When BOTH are recognized by Disk Utility, (you'll see them appear in left-side pane)

SELECT 1st USB Drive (left-side pane), click on (will be highlighted):

SELECT "Partition" (within right-side pane)

SELECT "Partition Layout", then SELECT "1 Partition"

SELECT "Options", then SELECT "GUID Partition Table" (a must for USB drive to act as startup disk)

UNDER "Partition Information"

NAME: (I used MAC DMG, so I wouldn't get it confused with other USB drive)

FORMAT: Use "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)

SELECT "Apply", then SELECT "Partition" (this WILL format or wipe out all data on this USB drive)

***DO this same above procedures for Second USB, but name it MAC OS X ***


Got that so far, next:

CLOSE out (X) Disk Utility

Now, Select "Get Help Online" from "Mac OS X Utilities" menu (should be 3rd from top)

It will open up Safari browser, follow along this is very important.

On top Menu, Click on "Safari", then SELECT "Preferences"

Under "General" tab, scroll down to "Save downloaded files to:"

Click "Other", then SELECT "MAC DMG" under devices menu. Close that window.

You should have an open Safari window about "Recovery Information"

Within "Address Bar" type in web address: (same one you were suppose to write down above)


Type in and press enter.

SCROLL down to the "DOWNLOAD" button and click it.

It will open up a new browser window and then start downloading the "Mavericks Installer.dmg" package.

It is 5.95GB, so it will take some time to download. (Go goof around while it's downloading.)

WHEN it is finished downloading, close out Safari. (Safari>Quit Safari)

You should be back to the "Mac OS X Utilities" menu.

SELECT "Disk Utilities" once again.

CLICK on "MAC DMG" dropdown under USB drive heading (it will be highlighted)

SELECT "Restore" in right-side pane

Under Source: MAC DWG is entered

SELECT "Image",

then SELECT MAC DMG in left-side pane, it should show -Getintopc.com-Mavericks Installer.dmg (in right-side pane)

* NOW your SOURCE should be: -Getintopc.com-Mavericks Installer.dmg

Next, CLICK & HOLD on 2nd USB drive drop-down MAC OS X, DRAG to "Destination" in right-side pane

RECAP: (right-side pane)

Source: -Getintopc.com-Mavericks Installer.dmg

Destination: MAC OS X

Now SELECT "Restore" (bottom right)

It will ask if you are sure you want to replace "MAC OS X" with "-Getintopc.com-Mavericks Installer.dmg?

SELECT "Erase"

It will verify and start copying the data over, takes about 35 minutes.

If all went well you should have 40,147 files @ 6.01GB

When it is finished, the 2nd USB drive will now be called: "OS X Base System"

Now, REMOVE (ONLY) the USB labeled MAC DWG

Close out (X) of "Disk Utility" (Command + Q)

Close out (X) of "Mac OS X Utilities" (Command + Q)

SELECT "Choose Startup Disk"

SELECT "OS X Base System Mac OS X,10.9)

CLICK on "Restart"

It will ASK again, CLICK on "Restart"

Spinning wheel will activate and "turn for a couple of minutes",

then your Mac will power off and "restart" showing Apple Logo (also for a couple of minutes),

It will then show OS X Installer Window.

Follow Prompts to install your new OS X

I went through Apple's **** Hole and back to bring you this step-by-step guide. (LOL)

Hope it helps.

The great part is that you now have a backup USB restore drive...yippee! (for future mistakes or other Macbooks...)

Have fun,


<Link Edited by Host>

207 replies

Nov 14, 2015 10:05 PM in response to adamh1122

If you try to Reinstall OS X and the version of OS X on your machine at purchase is different from the current version, the recovery likely will not wrk. Restart holding option-command-R to enter internet recovery. Apple servers will restore your device to the originally installed OS. In my case I was trying to reinstall El Capitan, but the computer was purchased with Mavericks. The internet recovery worked great.

Dec 5, 2015 7:10 PM in response to isaaccast

So I just figured mine out. I wanted to erase my whole disk and start over when I came to this problem. When I did the erase, I picked the disk I knew which I named before. It was the one right under the first one. Well I figured out that if I erase the very first one that shows the size then shut down my computer, then hold command and r when I stated it back. Once I did this I went to reinstall the osx then I didn't even need the apple login. I ran across this one a page where someone swore that it did not require a login. Try it! It worked for me! It will erase all your stuff on the laptop and put it back to factory, but you can use it.

Jan 15, 2016 1:54 PM in response to andreas61


1. When starting your mac book hold down the 3 keys "Command/Option/R"

2. That will bring you the the internet recovery mode

3. Choose net work from the list to get connected to the internet.

Note: If trouble connection to the internet through wifi.. plug in a ethernet cable.

4. Let mac to the "reset" and after about an hour once its all done loading. It'll give you a few option and one of them is to install the operating system and it will

work this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 16, 2016 4:55 PM in response to junior2010

"This item is temporarily unavailable. Try again later." doesn't hit the nail onto the head (expressing this message flaw politely). After the senseless retries, consulting the blogs and Apple's helpless "support", I detected that the AppleID password has been modified since the Lion purchase 3 years ago. Then, I stopped using the old one. With the very current password, it started the download right away!

Essentially, the "Reinstall Mac OS X" feature of the "Recovery" code to download Lion demands the CURRENT Applestore login rather than the one used when the Lion was actually purchased. No word about that fact in the Apple interface.

This item is temporarily unavailable Mac error

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