from where download a keyboard swiss multilingual
I have a simples question, and I hope that someone clan light me.
"From where I can download an Keyboard in swiss multilanguage
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a simples question, and I hope that someone clan light me.
"From where I can download an Keyboard in swiss multilanguage
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
j.ornelas wrote:
"From where I can download an Keyboard in swiss multilanguage
Apple provides you already with keyboard layouts for French Swiss and German Swiss keyboards. Is there some reason neither of these works right for you?
OS X Mavericks: Use input sources to type in other languages
You can’t download a physical keyboard, which is what your link is describing.
You can add keyboard layouts for various languages through the Input Sources tab of the Keyboard System Preferences. You can add multiple languages to the input source and show the menu in the Status Menu bar. It displays as a flag icon. You can switch languages from there.
Dear Gewecke,
Tks for your help but the problem is that in my physic keyboard there are key that do not work neither with the French or German .
for such reazon I was check on Apple data "How to identify keyboard localizations" and find there the
one called Swiss multilingual that shows the characters missing in the others two and are in my KBoard
But the referred data do not indicate where I can download that one.
Sorry to take your time , but I still looking for a solution.
Best regards
"Swiss Multilingual" is the same as Swiss French. Do have the swiss flag with the little french flag underneath at the top right of your screen? Could you give me examples of characters you think it does not have? I can probably tell you how to make them.
Dear Mr. Geweck
Tks.for your help. I just solve de problem.
Best regards
j.ornelas wrote:
I just solve de problem.
Good news. Does the Swiss French keyboard layout work OK for you then?
from where download a keyboard swiss multilingual