Has anyone tried running Dragon NaturallySpeaking (for Windows) on Mac Mavericks?
Has anyone tried running Dragon NaturallySpeaking (for Windows) on Mac Mavericks? I have finally given up on Dragon Dictate for Mac, which alas, after years of buying every new updated version, is still exceedingly buggy and does not begin to compare in quality to the PC version. I love my Mac, and don't like my PC at all, but the third-party voice dictation software for Mac is so pathetic, that I have wound up dictating on my PC, and then sending it to my Mac: an truly annoying and Baroque process. I was able to train over 120 words in Sanskrit word perfect on Dragon NaturallySpeaking, but on Dragon Dictate for Mac, I can't even get it to train my name. I know this is not an Apple problem, but I'm trying to find a way around by possibly running the DNS version on Windows on my iMac.
I have a hand disability, so I really do need to use voice dictation, both for dictating and navigating on my computer.
If anyone is doing this, are you using Boot Camp, VM fusion, or Parallels? How well does it work? Has anyone discovered anything else I ought to be considering, before giving this a try? I had tried running this on an old on 2008 iMac (with much less power), using Parallels, but it was incredibly slow. Now that I have a much more powerful iMac, I'm wondering whether it would be worth another try. As it will be quite an investment to purchase all this third-party software to get Dragon up and running, I was hoping to get a sense of how well it works, before plunking down the cash. I would be extremely grateful for helpful feedback.
IMac, Mavericks OS X 10.9.4, 3.5 GHz Intel core i 7, 8 GB 1600 MHz DD3, Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12, Dragon Dictate 4.0.2
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), iwork update