Airport Time Capsule and CenturyLink DSL
I just upgraded my Centurylink DSL modem. The new one came with 4 ethernet ports and the ability to use it wirelessly. I have two Time Capsules...(yes, I know, but wife wanted her own..), an Airport Express, a Vonage portal and a Directv GenieGo. So I went through the process to setup my modem and during that process I elected to have the modem run a wireless environment. Then I started the process of connecting the Time Capsules. I decided to you use the newer Tower Time Capsule to create a wireless network. It has the ethernet cable from CenturyLink connected to bottom ethernet of the Time Capsule. Then I used the other Time Capsule and Airport Express to "extend" the New Time Capsule's wireless network. So obviously I have the wireless environment that I created from CenturyLink and the wireless network from the Time Capsule. All my devices are working fine, miraculously!!
The only glitch I have is that my MBP will only back up to my TC when it is connected to the other TC's network. When I am connected to the CenturyLink network, I can not backup to my TC.
I should probably just be happy with the results. But my gut says that I am duplicating the wireless environments for no reason?? But I could not get the Tower Time Capsule to work unless it "created a wireless network."
Does anybody have any ideas on this???
Thank you
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)