Will the Verizon version of the iPhone 6 support NFC and Apple Pay?
According to the specs on the Apple website it will not. That could be a deal breaker. Can someone confirm or explain this?
According to the specs on the Apple website it will not. That could be a deal breaker. Can someone confirm or explain this?
Where on the site do you see this?
I don't see why not, Apple Pay is a big addition to the iPhone functionality and the overall Apple user experience. Also Verizon does have a huge part of the market so I don't think Apple would do such a thing.
I am a Verizon customer and I would too be disappointed if this were to be true.
AAccording to the specs the Verizon version lacks near field communication, which is needed for Apple Pay. It may have to do with CDMA as opposed to GSM.
Yea I didn't see that but usually NFC uses a different type of signal, a low frequency signal, same as the one found in hotel key cards, or tap to pay credit cards.
I have my fingers crossed that we're in the clear!
Clark Addison wrote:
AAccording to the specs the Verizon version lacks near field communication, which is needed for Apple Pay.
Where do you see this?
Not sure where you are seeing that. All I could find is the following quote from http://www.apple.com/iphone-6/specs/
All models
802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi‑Fi
Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology
Apple.com/iPhone/comparison. Scroll down to the carrier section.
Clark Addison wrote:
Apple.com/iPhone/comparison. Scroll down to the carrier section.
I assume you mean this page:
All I see is a list of carriers. I don't see anything that indicates the Verizon model won't have NFC. The four columns underneath don't represent the carrier specs but continue the four columns from the page as a whole: 6+, 6, 5S, 5C.
It's in response to this screenshot, right?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8ga5jt36xharfao/Screenshot%202014-09-09%2021.29.37.png ?dl=0
It makes it look like Verizon and T-Mobile aren't going to have the NFC, because of the way the carriers line up. But, they are in a different section (see the horizontal line). After the carriers section, it returns to the 4 columns representing the different phone models. So the iPhone 6+ and 6 have NFC, while the 5s and 5c do not.
I thought the same thing you did, which is why I found this thread in the first place. But now I see the difference.
I get the confusion!!!
The T-mobile logo is graphically aligned with the iPhone 5s and the Verizon logo is aligned with the iPhone 5c, and both of those do not have NFC.
So I'm betting this is just a bad graphic not implying at all that Verizon and T-Mobile will definitely support Apple Play!
Allison Sheridan wrote:
I get the confusion!!!
The T-mobile logo is graphically aligned with the iPhone 5s and the Verizon logo is aligned with the iPhone 5c, and both of those do not have NFC.
So I'm betting this is just a bad graphic not implying at all that Verizon and T-Mobile will definitely support Apple Play!
It took me a while to figure out that that's what the OP had misinterpreted. I didn't read it that way but I can certainly see how one could.
Yes, all carriers will support NFC for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
http://www.imore.com/yes-all-carriers-will-support-nfc-iphone-6-and-iphone-6-plu s
Will the Verizon version of the iPhone 6 support NFC and Apple Pay?