OneNote for Mac - Backup Solutions Needed
Upon installing Microsoft OneNote for Mac, the software client automatically saves all OneNote files in the cloud with OneDrive. Is anyone aware of how one might save a backup of these files to a local or alternative cloud location (e.g. iCloud or Google Drive) for safekeeping? As it stands now, OneDrive will not allow a user to copy the OneNote files to another location, nor will it allow a user to move the files to a non-OneDrive location. Additionally, there is no option available on the client to export within the native file format (or export at all, frankly).
The best backup method as of this moment is to email yourself each and every note created in OneNote. In addition to being tedious, it wholly lacks in anything resembling security for the note contents.
Left as is, the only copy of all content created and saved in OneNote for Mac is saved on OneDrive. It goes down, all content is lost for all intents and purposes.
If someone has figured out a way to overcome this issue (other than moving to another software solution or using Windows), I'd really like to know.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)