Iphone 5 swollen battery
Hello all,
Definitely new to this. But I'm very worried about my iPhone 5. A little background: I purchased this phone around October 2012. Apparently its not included in the iPhone 5 battery replacement program, for whatever reason. But it is included in the sleep/wake button replacement program. What I'm having an issue with is the raised/lifted screen on the left side of the phone which used to be just close to the volume buttons, now extending all the way down. It is very noticeable when it used to be a hairline thin. Searching through google, I've found that some people think it might be due to swollen battery, or expanding battery that's lifting the screen and could be potentially dangerous. I don't really know what else could be the cause of the screen to be that way since I have not dropped this phone in the 2 years that I've had it. The reason why I think it may be the battery is because the location of the battery is the left side and could be the explanation of why the screen is bulging out. Ive read through apple community that apple has a replacement program for swollen batteries at no cost to consumers. How true is this? Any suggestions as to what I could do? Thanks for all your help in advance. 🙂