Well this is how i fixed it.
I had a Wireless N 300mbps Tp-link router, 2.4ghz which most of the times, the connection was from 115 to 130 mbps on my rMBP mid 2014.
3-4 months in, the laptop started having wifi issues, so i started troubleshooting the whole thing. Since i didn't heard about the dread wifi issue with yosemite, i decided to buy a new router.
I bought a tplink Archer c20i, Wireless AC, believing that it would solve the problem. Well it did, for like 3-4 days, where it started, not dropping the connection, but there was no connectivity to internet. I tried EVERYTHING, including deleting network preferences, wifi's, even made a new partition to install a clean yosemite build. Nothing made it work. I tried messing around with the router, trying from no security, to wep, to wpa to wpa enterprise. Nothing nothing nothing.
After like 3-4 days of troubleshooting the whole thing, what i did was this.
I disabled the 5ghz network, left only the 2.4ghz, where i made it transmit into G mode ( i disabled the AC/N ) and now it actually works.
I mean i know i don't get speeds etc, but it actually works, before that i couldn't even type or download a 100mb file.
The other devices worked fine, the iPhone, my apple tv, my other stuff etc etc. Lets hope apple will fix this bug, because its so annoying, it makes me wanna go back to the genius bar and beat someone.
Anyhow, just my 2 cents.