Handoff/Continuity not working.
This is frustrating as everything was working on the Yosemite beta.
Neither handoff nor continuity working between 2012 Macbook Pro and either iPad Mini or iPhone 5s. Working between iPad and iPhone. Clean install of Yosemite.
Initially Airdrop was limited - iOS devices wouldn't see MBP. Also iOS devices wouldn't pair via bluetooth. I then tried deleting bluetooth prefs on the MBP and restarting, switching airdrop off and on, switching iCloud off and on. Both iOS devices restarted (several times). At this point Airdrop started working both ways.
But apart from a momentary functioning of Handoff when the iPhone was plugged into the MBP by usb - which turned out to be unrepeatable - Handoff resolutely refuses to work.
All on the same apple ID. and exactly the same set up that was working in the Yosemite beta.
Any ideas? This is driving me up the wall.
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10)