I had the same problem with a very slow download of Yosemite, I was using OS X Mavericks. My download was going to take about 2 days at 20 KB/sec and I knew my system was capable of 2 MB/sec or 100 times more speed. My Mac and network connection was otherwise working perfectly and at good speed as is the usual situation. I have an Apple TV and that was working great indicating Apple's giant server system was OK. Very few people seemed to be having this slow download problem.
I tried a number of things without success, including:
- quit all common Mac apps except Activity Monitor
- reboot VDSL modem/router
- reboot Mac
- pause/resume Yosemite download many times (trying to randomly grab a good Apple server/connection)
- try wired connection to Mac as well as Wi-Fi. Both are working fine and capable of 2 MB/sec
- reset Safari (someone said it helped him but I'm not sure why)
- Force Quit process "storeagent" (which does the downloading)
Then I found comments somewhere that indicated the problem might be something related to internet problems in western USA and I was probably using that part of the internet since I am located in west Canada near Vancouver BC. Some people had solved their problem by switching from their ISP's DNS servers to other public DNS servers in the east USA.
My ISP is Telus and I was using one of their DNS servers in my area, as automatically assigned. I tried one of the east USA DNS servers (I think it was a Comcast one) and it didn't work for the download and Safari could not connect to anything. Then I tried switching to the Google DNS servers at and and the download took off at the expected 2 MB/sec and it was done in less than an hour! Another half hour and I was running Yosemite and it runs great on my 2011 Mac Mini.
Here is the procedure that worked for me:
- pause the Yosemite download with the pause/resume button in App Store
- Force Quit process "storeagent" using Activity Monitor (this may not be necessary)
- Quit the App Store
- change DNS Servers to Google DNS and in System Preference / Network / Advanced / DNS. This effects the Mac only.
- for the above step you should write down your original DNS server settings in case you need to change them back
- do some browsing in Safari or other browser to confirm new DNS is working OK
- restart the App Store
- Resume Yosemite download with App Store "resume" button. A new version of process storeagent should start working
- see if it now downloads faster
That's what worked for me. Good luck!