Apple Mail and Exchange Out of Office Not Working
Has anyone had issues with Yosemite Mail and setting Out of Office for Exchange 2010?
I can set Mail to send Out of Office replies but cannot change the scheduled dates from 2/12/1982, 10:00 AM. Even when I do set it, it does not seem to send the OOO notifications. I can set it just fine on my iPhone 6 and Mavericks Mail worked fine for setting the OOO.
I deleted my account several times and reset it and I can get all my Mail back just fine but OOO still doesn't work correctly. I wanted to try to change the server settings but Mail doesn't allow you to do that for auto connect Exchange accounts.
Because of this (and my concern with reported issues with updating meetings), I switched back to Outlook 2011 until these bugs get ironed out. This is too bad because I love the notifications feature for Apple's programs.
I'm running on a 2014 13" MacBook Pro.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10)