vidyerthy wrote:
Isn't just incredible. Of late I am questioning the entire apple ecosystem. Their quality assurance aspects have taken a nose dive. Have you tried to preview an image by hitting the space bar? Seen the jittery animation? Noticed how mission control animations struggle on anything other than 1440x900 due non integer based interpolation they need to do for downscaling and upscaling... it's all just shocking... there was a time when people came into OS X because things just worked. It cannot be further from the truth. I run Linux everywhere and would not have bothered with OS X if it wasn't for Lightroom. I am pretty much waiting and hoping that 10.10.1 will address majority of these issues. If it doesn't this MacBook Pro is going straight on eBay! Goodbye Apple forever.... I just cannot imagine that on a top of the range hardware there will be so many issues because of the hideous software it runs! I don't care about 'Continuity' - just get the basics right...
Could not have said it better myself.
Apple doesn't appear to be focusing on the desktop side as much. There are a lot of issues on the desktop side. But, then again, Apple is going for the lowest common denominator. It's supposed to be easy, and hard to shoot yourself in the foot with. The downside is Apple has taken away our freedom. Apple has made its computers not work with non-Apple hardware; locking you in the Apple ecosystem.
If you want to tinker you have to go to homebrew or start installing from source, overwriting paths, and going through dependency ****.
The plus side, is, it's still hard to shoot yourself in the foot. I just updated my ubuntu server's XML parsing library, overwriting the standard libxml parser and now I can't update my ubuntu server. Oh well, i won't make that mistake again.
But, at least with Apple I was shielded, I learned a whole lot about the underlying system, and have a system that works the way I want it to. I can still upgrade to the latest release, and, the web cam works as does the wifi. I have a dual booted windows/ubuntu laptop which the webcam works on neither OS, nor does the SD card reader.